Refuge for climbers

Refuge Gervasutti - this is the first project of its kind in the Alps. The optimal combination of comfort, safety and environmental concerns. Refuge is ready for use and climbers skalolazov.

The project was commissioned by the Italian club CAI Torino, and the modular structure itself demonstrates the highest achievements of the company LEAPfactory. High quality materials and the application of modern technology perfectly solved the problems of extreme temperatures, difficult installation, high altitude and position on the center lednika.

The work on the project Refuge Gervasutti emphasis was placed on ensuring the safety and comfort, but the architects have not forgotten about the welcoming and refined interior design. The size and functionality, as well as the appearance and the interior design can be changed easily due to modular konstruktsii.

Source: hqroom.ru/refuge-gervasutti-ubezhische-dlya-alpinistov-i-skalolazov-v-alpah.html