Factory shelter
Blogger saoirse-2010 is divided photo-seekers to visit.
27 photo.
"In case of war, it can be applied to nuclear weapons. These weapons of mass destruction could lead to many deaths. The number of victims could be significantly reduced if people would know the remedies and master the techniques of providing self-help. "- Poster Civil Defence.
1. We are in this post will go on pretty well-stocked shelter Class 5 (the smallest class in the level of protection) in Moscow. Just beyond the standard set of photos, I talk a little about the instruments and their functions.
2. As usual, we used the emergency exit to enter. And stomped on all fours, a short distance we were inside. A cursory examination of asylum, we have concluded that it is very well equipped and meet modern standards
3. On the shelves in the shelter is all you need. The boxes mugs, spoons, and so on. D.
4. Now a little about the hardware. Gauges exposure. In the photograph are four instrument DP-24 and DP-22B two. Things like pens - personal dosimeters DCT-50A. Before use, they zeroed in a special charger, which is included. Then give the personnel of the forces operating in the zone of radioactive contamination. Upon returning readings are taken and recorded in a special register. Thus we can understand how the radiation dose received person.
5. A small room with boxes clogged with gas masks. On the table lies rentgenmetr.
6. dose rate meters (roentgenometer) DP-5A. Designed to measure the absorbed dose of gamma radiation in a wide range (0, 05 mrad / h to 200 rad / hr), and the detection of beta radiation. With this device to take measurements of the radiation on the ground and radioactive contamination of various surfaces.
7. In each refuge must be a connection. In the picture - the station "P-159" full-range, backpack, VHF transceiver, simplex narrowband wiring and dial tone, as well as with the possibility of remote control by telephone, to lead to the radio network with the same type of radio stations. And it cleverly hooked so on it could talk on the phone.
8. masks. They must necessarily be in any defensive structures. By the standards, there should be 10% more than the maximum number of sheltering. This is due to fit the size. The existing shelters should be according to the standards of civil type of filter masks GP-7 and its modifications.
9. parted one of the many boxes we saw a neatly packaged gas mask GP-7B. Judging from the packing list in the box of 20 masks in three sizes. In addition, the bundle includes a box filtering-absorbing
[GP-7K], cover jars, anti-fog film, rubber shoelaces bag.
10. Caught even masks with panoramic mask.
11. An insulating mask unlike the filter completely isolated from the respiratory system environment. Breathing in a gas mask IP-4 is performed by the amount of oxygen present in the gas mask. Apparatus used when it is impossible to apply the filter masks, in particular, when lack of oxygen in the environment, at very high concentrations of OM, SDYAV and other harmful substances when working under water. The principle of operation is based on the mask insulating separating oxygen from chemicals in the absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture exhaled by the person. Apparatus made up of the front part of the regenerative cartridge, breathing bag and a handbag. Stock regenerative cartridge, with heavy physical exertion is enough for 45 minutes, resting for 3 hours.
12. At the previous photo is visible samospasa box, that she was bigger.
13. Chemical resistant boxes are customized packages (IPP-8). Package IPP-8 is designed for first aid in the order of self-help and mutual aid in the defeat of liquid droplet toxic substances.
14. Schematic representation of the IPP-8. Now they are outdated and these boxes they have to be disposed of. Their replaced by more convenient API-11, now it is impregnated with a special swab in a sealed package, such as wet wipes.
15. Posters and various training material.
"In conditions when the aggressive imperialist forces exacerbate international tension and create hotbeds of war, the Communist Party will continue to increase the vigilance of the Soviet people, to strengthen the defensive power of our homeland ..." - From the resolution of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU on the Report of the CPSU Central Committee.
16. They are always a lot and they are very diverse. Modern posters I like a lot less.
17. Something like a training class.
18. green tank - water supplies.
19. In a small room on the box from the political literature of the Communist Party, was a portrait of the former leader - Lenin. Most likely, and a box of books, and the portrait throw.
20. The ventilation system. Pipes are not just different colors. The shelters depending on the destination paint a different color engineering networks. White paint - air-intake pipes clean ventilation mode. Yellow - the air intake mode Filtration systems. Tanks with the words air - filters for air purification.
21. Green chip pipe connected to water supply. As yet there are red - tube ventilation mode fires, black - and brown tube wiring - heating.
22. Toilets.
23. Small fire.
24. For protective structures is still characterized by a variety of models and teaching kits. Once caught refuge with various models of damaged limbs, etc. The photo training set of toxic substances (RH) of foreign armies and decontamination, degassing and disinfectants and solutions (DDDV). Naturally flasks no OB, there are only presented as these substances appear.
26. Occasional bag with a set of first aid.
27. Near the entrance inclined found here such a device.
Posted in [mergetime] 1344503889 [/ mergetime]
Everything is extreme. You can kamentah.
27 photo.
"In case of war, it can be applied to nuclear weapons. These weapons of mass destruction could lead to many deaths. The number of victims could be significantly reduced if people would know the remedies and master the techniques of providing self-help. "- Poster Civil Defence.
1. We are in this post will go on pretty well-stocked shelter Class 5 (the smallest class in the level of protection) in Moscow. Just beyond the standard set of photos, I talk a little about the instruments and their functions.

2. As usual, we used the emergency exit to enter. And stomped on all fours, a short distance we were inside. A cursory examination of asylum, we have concluded that it is very well equipped and meet modern standards

3. On the shelves in the shelter is all you need. The boxes mugs, spoons, and so on. D.

4. Now a little about the hardware. Gauges exposure. In the photograph are four instrument DP-24 and DP-22B two. Things like pens - personal dosimeters DCT-50A. Before use, they zeroed in a special charger, which is included. Then give the personnel of the forces operating in the zone of radioactive contamination. Upon returning readings are taken and recorded in a special register. Thus we can understand how the radiation dose received person.

5. A small room with boxes clogged with gas masks. On the table lies rentgenmetr.

6. dose rate meters (roentgenometer) DP-5A. Designed to measure the absorbed dose of gamma radiation in a wide range (0, 05 mrad / h to 200 rad / hr), and the detection of beta radiation. With this device to take measurements of the radiation on the ground and radioactive contamination of various surfaces.

7. In each refuge must be a connection. In the picture - the station "P-159" full-range, backpack, VHF transceiver, simplex narrowband wiring and dial tone, as well as with the possibility of remote control by telephone, to lead to the radio network with the same type of radio stations. And it cleverly hooked so on it could talk on the phone.

8. masks. They must necessarily be in any defensive structures. By the standards, there should be 10% more than the maximum number of sheltering. This is due to fit the size. The existing shelters should be according to the standards of civil type of filter masks GP-7 and its modifications.

9. parted one of the many boxes we saw a neatly packaged gas mask GP-7B. Judging from the packing list in the box of 20 masks in three sizes. In addition, the bundle includes a box filtering-absorbing
[GP-7K], cover jars, anti-fog film, rubber shoelaces bag.

10. Caught even masks with panoramic mask.

11. An insulating mask unlike the filter completely isolated from the respiratory system environment. Breathing in a gas mask IP-4 is performed by the amount of oxygen present in the gas mask. Apparatus used when it is impossible to apply the filter masks, in particular, when lack of oxygen in the environment, at very high concentrations of OM, SDYAV and other harmful substances when working under water. The principle of operation is based on the mask insulating separating oxygen from chemicals in the absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture exhaled by the person. Apparatus made up of the front part of the regenerative cartridge, breathing bag and a handbag. Stock regenerative cartridge, with heavy physical exertion is enough for 45 minutes, resting for 3 hours.

12. At the previous photo is visible samospasa box, that she was bigger.

13. Chemical resistant boxes are customized packages (IPP-8). Package IPP-8 is designed for first aid in the order of self-help and mutual aid in the defeat of liquid droplet toxic substances.

14. Schematic representation of the IPP-8. Now they are outdated and these boxes they have to be disposed of. Their replaced by more convenient API-11, now it is impregnated with a special swab in a sealed package, such as wet wipes.

15. Posters and various training material.
"In conditions when the aggressive imperialist forces exacerbate international tension and create hotbeds of war, the Communist Party will continue to increase the vigilance of the Soviet people, to strengthen the defensive power of our homeland ..." - From the resolution of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU on the Report of the CPSU Central Committee.

16. They are always a lot and they are very diverse. Modern posters I like a lot less.

17. Something like a training class.

18. green tank - water supplies.

19. In a small room on the box from the political literature of the Communist Party, was a portrait of the former leader - Lenin. Most likely, and a box of books, and the portrait throw.

20. The ventilation system. Pipes are not just different colors. The shelters depending on the destination paint a different color engineering networks. White paint - air-intake pipes clean ventilation mode. Yellow - the air intake mode Filtration systems. Tanks with the words air - filters for air purification.

21. Green chip pipe connected to water supply. As yet there are red - tube ventilation mode fires, black - and brown tube wiring - heating.

22. Toilets.

23. Small fire.

24. For protective structures is still characterized by a variety of models and teaching kits. Once caught refuge with various models of damaged limbs, etc. The photo training set of toxic substances (RH) of foreign armies and decontamination, degassing and disinfectants and solutions (DDDV). Naturally flasks no OB, there are only presented as these substances appear.


26. Occasional bag with a set of first aid.

27. Near the entrance inclined found here such a device.
Posted in [mergetime] 1344503889 [/ mergetime]
Everything is extreme. You can kamentah.
