21 reason

you've met amazing guy, and your relationship began to develop rapidly. But at first may have doubts whether to continue the relationship. Below are the signs that will help you understand where relationships are, if you appreciate a guy, is it possible for something serious, or if you expect the best part with a guy? A month has passed, the other with a day of exploring and ... It is increasingly spending time with friends, not with you. You little talking. You have almost no nothing in common except the bed together. You notice how he looks at other girls. He no longer makes you a compliment, not as affectionate. You're more likely to occur in the company, there is little time to spend together. He is often a long time does not respond to your text messages and phone calls. Late for a meeting, or just does not come. Finds all sorts of reasons to postpone the meeting. You do not feel him care and assistance when you is not easy (obstruction of work, illness, difficult situation). When you are late late, it does not always or never takes you not, does not ring. Even a couple of months after the meeting, he did not know what you like, not trying to please you. You will no longer feel those feelings to him. When you quarrel, he always goes, throws you one. During your visits sometimes he suddenly goes under pretexts. He unreliable, not keep promises. He does not want to introduce you to their friends and loved ones. It started to irritate some little things in you (if the beginning of a relationship that happens, then, believe me, will continue to be more quarrels and misunderstandings). The lack of humor at all in the relationship. Have you noticed that he appreciates you more oomph, but not the soul. Its amazing men's greed. Part with her beloved boyfriend always easy, but sometimes it's better for both of you to end the relationship in the beginning. So try flying in the euphoria of love, sometimes to look closely to your chosen one. Otherwise the relationship can come to a standstill and cause in the future much more pain.
See also: In outbreaks of jealousy women are beginning to see worse. Why is it so hard to forgive infidelity? What are the myths causes a breakup? Faithful to one partner prolongs the life of men. People are more likely to break up in January. In some countries, adultery is a national custom. The best way to make peace with your loved ones.
Source: ifyoulove.ru/harmony/21-prichina-rasstatsya-s-parnem.htm