On the streets of Serbia

Nemanja Petrovic, a beggar, "veteran" of Serbia, began to gradually turn into a successful businessman after he was surprised to find that the passers-by can get a lot more money by pretending to be invisible. 42-year-old poor man from Subotica discovered his entrepreneurial skills when least expected. Usually people do not pay attention to him, begging him, and almost got it. Petrovich was just desperation on what residents indifferently passed by and did not even look in his direction. Sometimes he even wanted to throw his hat in their indignation. And then one day the man did not resist and protest took off his shoes and cap and left them on the street next to a homemade inscription "Beggar invisible." But this time he went for a walk and let off steam. Reassured, Petrovich returned to the place where he had left his things and saw that passers appreciated his joke. Around the ironic inscription was a crowd of people, and the beggar cap was full of money. "Now I just leave this inscription and a pair of shoes for the entourage and wait for donations, and he at that time drinking coffee in a restaurant across the street" - busily explained Petrovic. See also: Japanese Robinson Crusoe 20 years living on a desert island. The oldest man in the world was 256 years old. 95-year-old Chinese woman, six days after the death got out of a coffin. The smallest man found in the Nepalese village. A resident of Britain is recognized as the fattest man in the world.
Source: gubkin.info/interesting/92422-na-ulicax-serbii-poyavilsya-preuspevayushhij.html