In St. Petersburg, it is time of the White Nights

romantic aura around the beloved northern capital was created, not only in love with this city classics of literature and art, and stunning views - not only the merit of brilliant architects. The city on the Neva River is filled with special, high-pitched sound, physically tangible anyone who is able to stop and just look up to the clear gray sky ... The metaphysics of the city, its special, inexplicable logic of the charm - not only the merit of man. Perhaps the reason for the uniqueness of the city - in geography, in the conscious choice of the place and time of its foundation. No wonder many believe that the famous white nights - a mystical phenomenon, occurring only on the banks of the Neva. Although it is not so. Light smoky twilight replaced overnight near the solstice at all latitudes above 49? .. In the northern hemisphere this time comes in June, and in the south - in December. And the closer to the Arctic Circle, the large number of white nights can enjoy the locals. For example, in the Volgograd region white night comes only once a year - on June 22 in St. Petersburg of 23 in Arkhangelsk - 77 and near the Bay of Tiksi night does not occur within 2, 5 months! 20,861,967
Peter is 60? north latitude, and to admire the white nights here can be from 25 - 26 May to mid-July. Although officially the white nights from 11 June to 2 July. The residents often believe that during the white nights the sun never sets. It is also misleading: white night astronomers call the civil twilight. This period begins after sunset on the horizon as long as the depth of his immersion does not exceed 6 degrees. In the summer in the north of civil twilight lasted until the sunrise. The reason for changing the height of the sun relative to the horizon - the slope of the Earth's axis to the plane of its orbit. Due to the sun's rays at different times in different ways highlight the planet. The summer solstice is covered the entire northern polar region and at latitudes higher than 65? Polar Day occurs - when the sun does not set over the horizon. On Earth many interesting and beautiful places Petersburg - one of the most amazing.
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Source: mirfactov.com/