The robot, which never proigryvet game

This machine knows neither pity nor fear, she is merciless to his enemies and did not stop at nothing to show their advantage ... But luckily for us, the only thing the almighty robot can overcome the human race, is the "Rock-paper-scissors" - a simple children's game that many of us help to make difficult decisions.
Robot scientists developed the University of Tokyo, and it really defeats the man in 100% of cases. But not at the expense of the mind, and due to the speed of the reaction. With the integrated high speed camera it tracks movement of your fingers and analyzes them for only 1 millisecond, choosing a winning combination. All this is just a blink of an eye, so that people do not physically have time to notice and inevitably lose. See also: Forecast Now you can "feel". Charger working with wood. Unusual accommodation. There is a mobile phone runs on Coca-Cola.
Source: mirfactov.com/