7 facts about gold

1. The word «gold» emerged from the Indo-European root 'yellow', reflecting the most significant characteristic of this metal. This fact is reflected in the fact that the pronunciation of the word gold gold in different languages seems like Gold (in English), Gold (in German), Guld (in Danish), Gulden (in Dutch), Gull (for to Norwegian) and Kulta (in Finnish). 2. At the end of the XVIII century it was fashionable to decorate your teeth with gold crowns, which put on a completely healthy teeth. This is required not only fashion. The presence of shiny teeth was to stress and high position of the owner. 3. If the fuse together the entire global stock of gold, which is 32 thousand. Tons, the result is a cube with sides just 12 meters. 4. A piece of gold the size of a matchbox can be rolled into a sheet in the area of a tennis court. 5. In Tajikistan civil officials are prohibited from having gold teeth. 6. Absolutely pure gold is very soft, it can crush hands. 7. In South Africa produces almost two thirds of all the world's gold.
Source: mirfactov.com/