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Treasures and hoards that are yet to be found, because they have not been found!
There are many mysterious secrets of treasures, especially the lost at sea during a shipwreck. Many dream of finding treasure, regardless of whether one believes in it or not. Most legendary treasure associated with pirates, the ship that wrecked during a fight, or severe storms. How many actually wrecks that store enormous wealth? Boundless imagination paints a picture of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time in their quest. Some argue that this is just fairy tales and legends, but others really believe that there is a treasure chest of gold waiting in the wings at the bottom of the ocean. Fortunately, there are enough students who want to help unearth the secrets of the biggest on the planet. In this selection list of the 10 legendary ocean treasures that have not yet been discovered.
Blackbeard's treasures
In 1966, off the coast of North Carolina, archaeologists discovered the remains of a shipwreck, linking it with the famous pirate ship, known as Blackbeard. But the catch is that not a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the vessel. Blackbeard is the most notorious of all pirates, accumulated a huge amount of gold and other riches. Many assume that the treasure still lies somewhere off the coast of Carolina, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even the Beard once said that "just me and the devil know" where it is. It is estimated that the price of gold may be around $ 2, 5 million.
Fortune Jean Lafitte
French pirate Jean Lafitte received condition, attacking merchant ships in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling the stolen goods in one of the many ports, which he owned. Laffitte accomplice was his brother Pierre. These two were so good in the theft and robbery, which have accumulated a lot of wealth and jewels. As a result, the brothers had somewhere to hide their treasures, which gave rise to many mysteries and legends. Under their command were more than 50 vessels, suggesting how big was the state. After the death of Laffitte in 1830, the legend of his treasure began to spread around the world. They said that some of his treasures buried in the "Lake Born" on the coast of New Orleans. Others say that the best place is about three miles east of the "Old Spanish Road", on the river Sabine. At the moment, no one has found a wealth valued at approximately $ 2 million.
Wealth Captain Kidd
Pirate end of the 17th century, William "Captain" Kidd is the cause of many myths about lost treasure. Kid began to plunder in 1698, attacking ships and profit enormous wealth. But when he himself began to hunt, Kidd decided to protect their treasures and began to hide them for a variety of North American islands. Captain Kidd was eventually captured and hanged, and his treasure still buried in an undisclosed location. To add a bit of reality in this myth, in 1920 four treasure map hidden "Captain" Kidd, were found in pieces of furniture, presumably belonging to him.
Oak Island Money Pit
"Money Pit", located in Nova Scotia, Canada, has created one of the longest hunting for treasure in the world. For hundreds of years the hunters came to Nova Scotia to try to find the treasure, but came back with nothing. In 1795, teenager Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on Oak Island, where all the trees have been uprooted. Intrigued, he began excavating in secret from the rest of the treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that in this place, at a depth of 40 feet, two million pounds are buried. Unfortunately, because of the many obstacles and powerful streams of water, and could not find any treasure. There are several popular theories that relate to "Money Pit": In the pit are the treasures of pirates or missing priceless jewels of Marie Antoinette. There is also a version that English professor Francis Bacon used the pit to hide documents proving that he was the author of Shakespeare's plays.
Treasures of Lima
During the uprising of Peru against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British ship was to take the treasure that belonged to the city of Lima. The cargo was estimated to cost $ 60 million and included two statues of the Virgin in the life-size, made in pure gold and 273 jeweled sword and candlestick. Captain Thomas was quite greedy and killed all the passengers, and then sailed to the island of Coco and hid the treasure in a cave, hoping to save it all for yourself. On his deathbed he told a little about the location of his treasure, which had still not been found.
Treasures of John Lackland
In 1216 King John of England, also known as "bad", was heading to Lynn in Norfolk. Along the way he became ill with dysentery and decided that he must return to his Newark Castle. He decided to sneak around from Walsh, with its dangerous traps mud and swamps. King John and his soldiers made their way through the swamps with carts full of his royal regalia, when caught in a deadly swamp. Carts full of treasures on estimated at $ 70 million, including jewelry, gold cups, swords and coins were lost and never found.
Nuestra Señora de Atocha
In 1622 the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha returning to Spain, full of gold, precious stones and rare silver when he was overtaken by a hurricane. The impact of the storm was so severe that the galleon washed up on a coral reef and it immediately sank under the weight of treasures. Immediately there was an attempt to save the treasure, which included 17 tons of silver bullion, 27 kilograms of emeralds, gold and 35 boxes of 128, 000 coins. To the place where sank Nuestra Señora de Atocha, were napraleny other ships. Unfortunately, the second hurricane hit and destroyed any attempt to rescue the treasures. The crash site as more and could not find until recently. In 1985, treasure hunter Mel Fisher found the treasures of $ 500 million, less than 100 miles off the coast of Key West. However, experts believe that the treasures of approximately $ 200 million are still lying somewhere at the bottom.
Legend of the Golden Man
For a long time there was a myth that surrounds Lake Gvatavita Colombian Andes. He read about the gold of the Incas, hidden at the bottom. The most popular theory is that the Golden man known as "El Dorado", once plunged into the sacred lake, and his followers brought here for gold and jewelry, demonstrating loyalty. As a result, many visited the area in an attempt to find treasure. Since the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold pieces were extracted from the muddy bottom of Lake Gvatavita. In 1968, gold bullion was discovered in a cave, again raised the legend of El Dorado, or "Golden Man".
Treasures of San Miguel
In 1715, Spain has gathered a fleet of ships, filled to the brim with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry valued at approximately $ 2 billion. The ships were sent from Cuba just before the hurricane season to prevent an attempt to capture the pirates. It turned out to be a bad idea, since the entire fleet of 11 ships was sunk after only six days after leaving in swimming. As a result, the treasures of the $ 2 billion is still resting on the seabed. After this catastrophic event were found seven of the ships, but only a small amount of valuable treasures have been restored. It is believed that the Treasure of San Miguel may be near the eastern coast of Florida.
Gold Flor de Mar
400-ton Portuguese ship called Flor de Mar (Sea Flower) was caught off guard by a strong storm in 1511. It is shipwrecked on the reefs of Sumatra, was split into two parts, and all the treasure was lost at sea. The story goes that Flor de Mar was carrying about 60 tons of gold, which is the greatest treasure ever assembled in the history of the Portuguese Navy. Not surprisingly, the Flor de Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.

There are many mysterious secrets of treasures, especially the lost at sea during a shipwreck. Many dream of finding treasure, regardless of whether one believes in it or not. Most legendary treasure associated with pirates, the ship that wrecked during a fight, or severe storms. How many actually wrecks that store enormous wealth? Boundless imagination paints a picture of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time in their quest. Some argue that this is just fairy tales and legends, but others really believe that there is a treasure chest of gold waiting in the wings at the bottom of the ocean. Fortunately, there are enough students who want to help unearth the secrets of the biggest on the planet. In this selection list of the 10 legendary ocean treasures that have not yet been discovered.
Blackbeard's treasures

In 1966, off the coast of North Carolina, archaeologists discovered the remains of a shipwreck, linking it with the famous pirate ship, known as Blackbeard. But the catch is that not a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the vessel. Blackbeard is the most notorious of all pirates, accumulated a huge amount of gold and other riches. Many assume that the treasure still lies somewhere off the coast of Carolina, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even the Beard once said that "just me and the devil know" where it is. It is estimated that the price of gold may be around $ 2, 5 million.
Fortune Jean Lafitte

French pirate Jean Lafitte received condition, attacking merchant ships in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling the stolen goods in one of the many ports, which he owned. Laffitte accomplice was his brother Pierre. These two were so good in the theft and robbery, which have accumulated a lot of wealth and jewels. As a result, the brothers had somewhere to hide their treasures, which gave rise to many mysteries and legends. Under their command were more than 50 vessels, suggesting how big was the state. After the death of Laffitte in 1830, the legend of his treasure began to spread around the world. They said that some of his treasures buried in the "Lake Born" on the coast of New Orleans. Others say that the best place is about three miles east of the "Old Spanish Road", on the river Sabine. At the moment, no one has found a wealth valued at approximately $ 2 million.
Wealth Captain Kidd

Pirate end of the 17th century, William "Captain" Kidd is the cause of many myths about lost treasure. Kid began to plunder in 1698, attacking ships and profit enormous wealth. But when he himself began to hunt, Kidd decided to protect their treasures and began to hide them for a variety of North American islands. Captain Kidd was eventually captured and hanged, and his treasure still buried in an undisclosed location. To add a bit of reality in this myth, in 1920 four treasure map hidden "Captain" Kidd, were found in pieces of furniture, presumably belonging to him.
Oak Island Money Pit

"Money Pit", located in Nova Scotia, Canada, has created one of the longest hunting for treasure in the world. For hundreds of years the hunters came to Nova Scotia to try to find the treasure, but came back with nothing. In 1795, teenager Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on Oak Island, where all the trees have been uprooted. Intrigued, he began excavating in secret from the rest of the treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that in this place, at a depth of 40 feet, two million pounds are buried. Unfortunately, because of the many obstacles and powerful streams of water, and could not find any treasure. There are several popular theories that relate to "Money Pit": In the pit are the treasures of pirates or missing priceless jewels of Marie Antoinette. There is also a version that English professor Francis Bacon used the pit to hide documents proving that he was the author of Shakespeare's plays.
Treasures of Lima

During the uprising of Peru against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British ship was to take the treasure that belonged to the city of Lima. The cargo was estimated to cost $ 60 million and included two statues of the Virgin in the life-size, made in pure gold and 273 jeweled sword and candlestick. Captain Thomas was quite greedy and killed all the passengers, and then sailed to the island of Coco and hid the treasure in a cave, hoping to save it all for yourself. On his deathbed he told a little about the location of his treasure, which had still not been found.
Treasures of John Lackland

In 1216 King John of England, also known as "bad", was heading to Lynn in Norfolk. Along the way he became ill with dysentery and decided that he must return to his Newark Castle. He decided to sneak around from Walsh, with its dangerous traps mud and swamps. King John and his soldiers made their way through the swamps with carts full of his royal regalia, when caught in a deadly swamp. Carts full of treasures on estimated at $ 70 million, including jewelry, gold cups, swords and coins were lost and never found.
Nuestra Señora de Atocha

In 1622 the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha returning to Spain, full of gold, precious stones and rare silver when he was overtaken by a hurricane. The impact of the storm was so severe that the galleon washed up on a coral reef and it immediately sank under the weight of treasures. Immediately there was an attempt to save the treasure, which included 17 tons of silver bullion, 27 kilograms of emeralds, gold and 35 boxes of 128, 000 coins. To the place where sank Nuestra Señora de Atocha, were napraleny other ships. Unfortunately, the second hurricane hit and destroyed any attempt to rescue the treasures. The crash site as more and could not find until recently. In 1985, treasure hunter Mel Fisher found the treasures of $ 500 million, less than 100 miles off the coast of Key West. However, experts believe that the treasures of approximately $ 200 million are still lying somewhere at the bottom.
Legend of the Golden Man

For a long time there was a myth that surrounds Lake Gvatavita Colombian Andes. He read about the gold of the Incas, hidden at the bottom. The most popular theory is that the Golden man known as "El Dorado", once plunged into the sacred lake, and his followers brought here for gold and jewelry, demonstrating loyalty. As a result, many visited the area in an attempt to find treasure. Since the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold pieces were extracted from the muddy bottom of Lake Gvatavita. In 1968, gold bullion was discovered in a cave, again raised the legend of El Dorado, or "Golden Man".
Treasures of San Miguel

In 1715, Spain has gathered a fleet of ships, filled to the brim with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry valued at approximately $ 2 billion. The ships were sent from Cuba just before the hurricane season to prevent an attempt to capture the pirates. It turned out to be a bad idea, since the entire fleet of 11 ships was sunk after only six days after leaving in swimming. As a result, the treasures of the $ 2 billion is still resting on the seabed. After this catastrophic event were found seven of the ships, but only a small amount of valuable treasures have been restored. It is believed that the Treasure of San Miguel may be near the eastern coast of Florida.
Gold Flor de Mar

400-ton Portuguese ship called Flor de Mar (Sea Flower) was caught off guard by a strong storm in 1511. It is shipwrecked on the reefs of Sumatra, was split into two parts, and all the treasure was lost at sea. The story goes that Flor de Mar was carrying about 60 tons of gold, which is the greatest treasure ever assembled in the history of the Portuguese Navy. Not surprisingly, the Flor de Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.