Charging for gadgets
Long time did not meet sures accessories for portable devices of which already invented-napridumali. Here to help the audience get bored come "builders" of concepts. Thus Italian designer Joao Paulo Lammoglia introduced the concept of the charger as a mask AIRE, allowing to turn into Sabziro from Mortal Kombat to charge portable gadgets in any meste.
"Mask" converts breath or breeze (if you are on the street in the wind or just running) into electricity, as desired phones, tablets and other things. The design is such that the person does not have to die in the death throes of the strangled, and the bars are embedded small wind turbines that do not explode, unlike their larger counterparts, which is a common, albeit very rarely. No answer is the speed and effectiveness of such a "charge."
Source: gagadget.com/concept/2012-02-29-zaryazhaem_gadzhet_dykhatelnoi_maskoi_aire