Photos on chocolate

Now, according to the customer's favorite photo, which has already gained a lot of "likes" on the social network, you can type in the confectionery izdelii.

From now on, instead of pulling the wrong part of the picture of the former mistress or lover, you can just eat them ... and drink hot tea. Philadelphia confectionery "Cocograph" introduced on the market an edible chocolate "Polaroid-style photo", which can be applied to any image, logo or photo.

Available in four species categories: milk, white, dark, extra black shokolad.

Each tile is made by hand, in image processing is used for the usual Instagram technique sepia. Incidentally, while the Instagram use 30 million. People. Upload your photos directly to the customer can the manufacturer's website. Service allows you to select the size, add a frame to the image and the inscription. Performed in the style Polaroid photo chocolates cost $ 8, 50 each or $ 12 for three tiles of smaller size. "Not only can you capture your memories, but also to eat it," - say in the company.
Source: mirfactov.com/