Super glue
so familiar today in use super glue was once a real discovery, generating numerous myths and legends. For example, a long time, seriously believes that the main purpose of super glue bonding is different ran.
Indeed, the super glue was created during World War II American Coover, who conducted experiments to search for plastic gun sights for combat. As a result, he received a cyanoacrylate material, which instantly cured in air and spoiled all the items in the laboratory, glue them tightly. A patent for a new kind of glue was obtained only in 55 and 59 in the adhesive has already demonstrated on TV.
For a long time super glue was a major component of the American variety show, in which ascertain their stunning property. New cyanoacrylate glue was able to agglutinate any surface, even if they were not before it is properly cleaned. Soon, the main problem was not the ability to instantly and super glue firmly glued any materials, and the opportunity with the least harm to unstick the materials back.
Source: otvetin.ru/another/22429-kogda-byl-izobreten-super-klej.html