Invented the adhesive that glues the bones
The method is quite simple: the doctor will cause You the glue for a broken bone, it all lights halogen lamp for curing, and — voila! Your bone starts to knit together. So say experts from the Royal Swedish Institute of technology, who created this miracle glue.
Seventy six million four hundred twenty one thousand six hundred ninety six
When bone heals, the glue will simply disappear. It can easily replace the metal plate. Also, do not have to use General anesthesia, enough local anesthesia. The man who got rotten legs, could even three months on sick leave, now he can go on the third day. This year the miracle glue will be used in Swedish hospitals.
Source: /users/413
Seventy six million four hundred twenty one thousand six hundred ninety six
When bone heals, the glue will simply disappear. It can easily replace the metal plate. Also, do not have to use General anesthesia, enough local anesthesia. The man who got rotten legs, could even three months on sick leave, now he can go on the third day. This year the miracle glue will be used in Swedish hospitals.
Source: /users/413
Geologists unravel the mystery of the "moving rocks" in death Valley
Presents a unique bed-rocking chair for relaxation indoors and outdoors