That now means the cellular communication market.
This is not a topic about survival in a fallen meteorite, a revolution or a sharp warming to plus forty thousand degrees. Just let's take the latest report on the mobile communications market and based on it try to imagine a situation that would be if the link will take and just disappear. It is clear that such a selective extinction is not possible, but it will serve as a good illustration of what is now meant for the cellular market. Panika
In the early days - the panic and confusion: first third of the population experiences a wild stress about the lack of phone, to which all used to. This is easiest to outsource the elderly, and the generation of 30-year-olds: the first does not always understand why cellular communications, the second remembers a world without mobile phones. The most difficult to have young people from childhood to perceive the world so that we can contact anyone. Residents of large cities understandably upset more than people, such as villages. There are dozens of dissertations written about the withdrawal. Ratsii
Immediately after the fall of the network rises sharply demand for radio. Most likely, in the early days the prices will be crazy bully, but later, after a month or two, productive Chinese rescue all who suffer. First of all radios are bought for business: you have to somehow coordinate employees. Parents, too, will not go away: it is difficult to imagine how a child can walk to school without communication. Youth, instead of "shut up" would be to say "to release the" even in person. City telefony
Again begin to grow forgotten like fixed telephony. A queue to connect your home phone, most likely - there are private companies involved in telephony. Immediately increase the role of home computers as a means of communication: communication in social networks is partially replaced by a call, Skype traffic growing strongly, perhaps - come to life local chat rooms and forums cities. Gradually communication function rests on the computer in the same way as a fixed phone. At the same time - of social networks takes a large amount of people who came out to them only with the help of mobile Internet. Wi-Fi
On the streets open new cafe with Wi-Fi, perhaps - there are Wi-Fi-pillars and vending machines. More later in the elite restaurants for guests plates served with dessert. Food and communications become almost synonymous. 112
Dramatically increasing the number of accidents with a negative outcome: for mobile telephony - is a means of rescue, or call an ambulance. Security agencies are beginning to panic buttons generally available to individuals with a radio channel.
In regions with a high risk of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis or other problems on the streets mounted speakers - to not go twice, most - right on the former site of cellular antennas.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/beeline/blog/139789/