The ear on his arm

Doctors were able to grow an ear on the hand of a woman who lost it due to cancer, and to give her a new functioning organ. In 2008, Sherry Walters (Sherrie Walters), 42-year-old American woman was diagnosed with basal cell skin cancer. The woman received intensive treatment for destroying disease. She removed the ear of the skull and the left ear canal. Although Walters was left without an ear, she could hear with the help of a special hearing apparata.

But doctors from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, offered her a new permanent ear - they grow out of its own tissues. Experts used the rib cartilage of women to form a new ear, which is then placed under the skin predplechya.

Doctors surgically fastened ear and blood vessels, and recently gave ear shape and details. In most cases, the ear is used to restore the skin of the face and neck, but as in the treatment of cancer most of the skin has been removed from these areas, doctors placed under the skin of the ear predplechya.

The procedure was carried out in November 2011, and four months later was removed from the ear and put his hands to his head. The whole process took about 20 months. The patient considers himself a lucky one, and believes that her example will inspire others hope to people affected by cancer.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Uchenye-vyrastili-na-ruke-uho.html