Doctors English businessman raised his hand to his nose
A cancer patient is 56-year-old British businessman in the disease lost its nose. Doctors at University College London, using bone marrow stem cells, the patient raised a new nose. However, while on the hand.
Before forced surgery to remove the patient was made a cast of the nose. The patient was offered at the same time to change the form, but he preferred to have a new nose was as much like the original. After that, the experts created a glass mold on the basis of cast and filled her cellular material - the basis for the consolidation and growth of stem cells. Placed in a bioreactor with a suitable medium, stem cells gradually transformed into cartilage.
Unfortunately, physicians can not yet be grown in a laboratory new skin so that had cartilage implant under the skin on the patient's arm. Previously this place was established subcutaneous "air ball", which a few days gradually inflated with air - so managed to avoid excessive stretching of tissues. When the blood supply to the natural nose adjusted, it will be moved on the face of the victim. Experts suggest that it would require up to 6 weeks.
First, the new nose will be deprived of his nostrils, but eventually doctors will be opened and will bring them into the nasal cavity epithelial cells which form the mucosa. And over time, the patient will return to the sense of smell, and a new nose will be no worse than the old.
via factroom.ru
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