The root of the number 7533198436

12-year-old Martin Drees from cadolzburg and 17-year-old Andreas Berger of Jena became world champions for the solution of examples in mind. Berger, who is now a three-time world champion, set a record by calculating 14 seconds root of 7,533,198 436 26,467,070
In order to ascend to the "mathematical Olympus" tournament participants piled six-digit numbers, square roots, divided and multiplied by a fraction. All this they did without ispolzovangiya calculators, paper and pens. As a result, 35 people from 8 countries were proreshat 2 hours 45 pages with problems. Andreas Berger, who is now a three-time world champion, decided to correct 80 percent of the examples, and marked another record in another category - in fact, to calculate the square root of 7533198436 It took him only 14 seconds, followed by the correct answer - 86 794. 69,818,661
"In mathematics there is nothing easier to extract the root," - said the guy complaining that the next year will not be able to take part in the tournament because of vozrasta.

One of the organizers of the World Cup among juveniles is Gert Mittring, eight-times world champion in mental calculation among adults. He also established a number of Guinness in this area, for example, extracted the 13th root of a 100-degree digit number in 13, 3 seconds.
Source: news.mail.ru/society/10847688/