Red rain in Sri Lanka

Province Sevanagala, Manaragala and Manampitiya and Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka witnessed a rare and so far unexplained phenomena - red rain. About 15 minutes from the sky to the ground almost two in the morning pouring rainwater present in red.

Met Office can not yet give a clear answer to the question why heavy rains had just such a color and that was the reason for their occurrence. After the rain on the soil was reddish patina. As it became known, an unusual phenomenon is happening in Sri Lanka for the first time.

Medical research institutes of the mandate to examine samples of sediments and find possible causes them to call. In other parts of the world red rains in areas of high acidity or air due to dust storms, which raise the atmosphere colored sand particles.

But in Sri Lanka sandstorms does not happen, but the way to the island from the huge deserts, which completely eliminates this option. Help local researchers can the fact that in India a year ago, the red rain was caused by an accumulation of microorganisms, gives the water a characteristic color. Strange in the event was the fact that the creatures found there was no DNA.
Source: mirfactov.com/