Facts about The Simpsons

1. Homer - 36 years, Marge - 34 years old, Bart - 10 years, Lisa - 8, and Maggie - a year. 2. Production of a series costs about $ 1800 000 94,363,389
3. Initially, the main character was a sitcom Barth. However, after the first two seasons, it became clear that the audience closer to Homer and writers moved the spotlight on him. 4. One series is from 6 to 8 months. In parallel, production is usually just 10 episodes.

5. homer - his father's name Matt Groening (author of the idea), Marge - a variation of the name of his mother (Margaret), and Lisa and Maggie - the names of the sisters. 6. Bart - not just an abbreviation of the full name of Bartholomew, but an anagram brat, meaning "Puppy" or "punk".

7. Let you not be fooled by the fact that in the credits of each episode appears only one writer. In fact, on one episode of the work of authors 14-20. Sometimes the name of a particular writer appears only because it was his turn to be in the credits. But more often the main author is the one who wrote the first draft version of the script.

8. Each script is rewritten (collectively) 12 times. 9. While most (59) scripts written by John Shvartsvelder, it is believed that all the best jokes belong to George Meyer. Many authors have complained about: is someone to quote a joke of their series, as it turns out that the joke came up with Meyer during collective revision of the script.

10. It is not immediately noticeable, but The Simpsons - the perfect American family. They are legally married, attend church regularly, have three children, and the head of the family has a steady job, which allows you to keep your own home.

11. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the characters in the series of four fingers on the hand, is not. It is an old practice in animation. "The special role of the fifth finger is not playing, but if you do not draw it every time, you can save a lot of time", - said the old practice of animation. Restated, for example, the fingers in the "Family Guy" - there is the same parsley.

12. But the yellow color of the skin of the characters on purpose. As Lisa and Bart (not to mention the bald Homer) were originally drawn Groening no line separating the hair from his forehead, it was decided to make them (and all other family members) yellow. Admit it, flesh-colored hair would look even stranger. When the series began to develop, and it began to appear and the other characters, they too had to be yellows.

13. Hair Marge borrowed from the heroine of the film "The Bride of Frankenstein." 14. Until 1998, the six leading actors voicing the series, received a series of $ 30 000. This amount is shared between all the artists in proportion to the effort. At the present time (as a result of multiple strikes and innumerable negotiations) within one series of actors paid $ 400,000, again at all.

15. According to the latest data, the average age of the audience of "The Simpsons" - 30 years. 16. To explain Danny Elfman, what should be the theme song, Matt Groening gave him to listen to the tape, which was recorded: the theme of the animated series 60s "Jetson"; excerpts from the soundtrack to the film "Juliet of the Spirits" with the music of Nino Rota; shaver advertising jingle written by Frank Zappa; vinyl records, "Teach your parrot to talk." Danny Listen to this mishmash and immediately understood what it achieves Groening. Two days later the music was ready.

17. The name of Springfield Groening was chosen because it is one of the most common American names. On the map of the US - 34 cities, wearing a rare (for China) the name Springfield. 18. Although Groening and created "The Simpsons", the exclusive rights to them belong to broadcaster Fox.

19. Name Simpson clearly translates as "son of a simpleton." 20. In the first short films of "The Tracey Ullman Show" Maggie is sometimes said.
Source: blog.stanis.ru/?id=53246