Round foot bridge in Shanghai
Shanghai - the largest city in China, to visit where the dream of many. An amazing combination of modern architectural achievements and bold design solutions form a unique look goroda.
Built not so long ago a round pedestrian bridge in downtown Shanghai has become a new architectural dostoprimechatelnostyu.
Pedestrian bridge due to its unusual shape is very functional. It was built in order to "unload" pedestrian crossings. In the district of Lujiazui (which is a major shopping area) every day comes a great flow of traffic and pedestrians often find it difficult to get to the right they mesta.
With the advent of the Chinese Bridge were able to quickly and easily get to any part of the area, because it is located on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a lot of business centers, shops and cafes.
The height of the bridge - 20 feet, and numerous escalators provide easy and quick movement of the large flow of people. Modern design attracts not only locals but also tourists. The bridge offers a picturesque view of skyscrapers Shanhaya.
At night it is, of course, more is changing - the architects did their best designing evening podsvetku.
By the way, all pedestrian bridge impresses with its size. It is so broad that it simultaneously side by side can go 15 chelovek.
Source: mirfactov.com/