Temporary cafe

Expo CIHAC - the largest architectural and construction exhibition in Latin America. Typically, after such events is still a fair amount of waste in the form of end of short-term elements of the exhibition pavilonov.

Deeply concerned about the issue, experts Mexican BNKR Arquitectura Office appealed to the leadership of the exhibition with the proposal to establish sustainable pavilion with zero waste and low cost, which can be an example for future vystavok.

So there was a temporary cafe from 5000 bright red plastic boxes of Coca Cola, stacked on the principle of brickwork in numerous variations. The company's management has supported the initiative of architects, considering it in tune with their own programs for sustainable development, and Coca Cola was a sponsor of the proekta.

Since this was the first experience of such a building, the walls are erected temporary cafe directly during the exhibition already working by trial and error. Fragments of the curved walls sometimes reach 5 meters in height, the strength of the boxes are fastened with special plastic straps.

The construction of this structure was the first of its kind in the entire thirty-year history of the show. After the end of Expo CIHAC pavilion was dismantled and all the boxes returned to the warehouses of the company Coca Cola, to fulfill its original function of storage butylok.

Video creation process pavilion:
Source: mirfactov.com/