Young businessman UK

most young British entrepreneur opened a third in the case in the age of nine. Henry Patterson started his first business when he was just seven years old. He established the sale of bags of fertilizer value of £ 1. Then Henry created his own online store on auction site eBay, where he actively selling goods bought at thrift stores. Online shopping in the auction brought the boy 150 pounds sterlingov.

Now, Henry, who resembles Gordon Gekko in the 1987 film "Wall Street" as a child, has opened its own online shop selling sweets «Not Before Tea». During the first week of the existence of the store, he received more than 100 orders and rescued the first 10 pounds. The boy, who built his business from the ground up, not bad versed in marketing. He has developed a logo shop and makes the assessment of profitability prodazh.

Now Henry's head high distributes his classmates from school Swanbourne House School (Buckinghamshire), your business cards, on which Henry introduced themselves as "creative director." And the boy has far-reaching plans. For example, he even wants to make a film with the participation of the main characters of his shop. To sell their products boy came up with two characters - mice, whose name is Pip and Scherbet.

Now Henry came to the rescue of his mother. Boy in partnership with it manages the Internet - shop. 52-year-old Julian, Henry's father, a professional in the field of marketing. Apparently, he had an influence on his son. Henry remembers: "The first business ideas began to come to my mind when I was only five years old. I started to sell manure, and I loved the case - even though a bit smelly odor ».

"My friends could not believe it, knowing that I started a shop selling sweets. But I do not think that they were very surprised - I created business projects in the past. " Henry is confident in the prospects of their business: "Who does not like a child to know what sweets like most children," - said Genri.

Henry is constantly experimenting and implementing marketing techniques. For example, all the sweets are sold in a shop in neat jars. It jars attached as a bonus pens for children, as well as a special sticker. Stickers are parents to encourage their children to wash their teeth before going to bed. "I hate to brush your teeth after sweets, but I like to get stickers from the dentist. That's how I got the idea, "- said Henry. Also, the boy is always thinking of the range of goods on the site. Therefore, the store can be found pretty strange sweetness, for example, sweets in the form of worms, dirt or prisheltsev.

Henry receives five percent of the sales of sweets. All the money goes to his personal bank account. Boy plans to develop their business and 16 years, after which the money collected is going to invest in a new business.
Source: pixanews.com/kompanii-i-rynki/samyj-yunyj-biznesmen-velikobritanii.html