Waiters - monkey
in the Japanese capital appeared Kayabuki restaurant, attracting visitors not delicious and refined menu and their staff. The restaurant menu is very prostoe- set of traditional dishes and sake, but the waiters in the restaurant are very neobychnye.
16-year-old Yat-chan and Fuku-chan young - a couple of monkeys working together with other waiters. They also served food to guests towels for washing hands, just serving drinks. Monkey wearing wigs, masks and uniforms that their views do not embarrass posetiteley.
Kaoru Otsuka, the restaurant owner said that the idea of using monkeys came when he noticed that his favorite Yat-chan, copies of its action: in front of towels and drinks and sends guests. Young monkey learned everything from her older friend. According to the guests, the monkeys are well aware of human speech and are not confused drinks that they bought.
According to the law on the rights of animals, monkeys may work, but no more than two hours a day. The restaurant owner is going to hire another 2-3 small nimble ofitsiantov.
Source: mirfactov.com/