Schoolboy throwing knives in his mother

young English knife thrower Edward Pinder not interested in sending a naked blade in a wooden shield, it is much more interesting to throw them when the woman stands next to him, even if she is his materyu.

So, every night after school the young 10-year-old nozhevik exercising in the label roll is very sharp pieces of iron at a target, which is his mother Erika.

The child is practiced in this case even with kindergarten age in a special arena in his home in the town of Bisbruk. Despite the risk of undertaking the boy never got to his mother 20-centimeter nozhom.

Edward is now touring the county, showing the blade and the other tricks of dexterity. Although the boy and confident in its own accuracy and composure, he believes that his mother is still a bit worried during seansov.

However, this does not bother the young thrower knives, because then he plans to throw not only blades but also axes, and shuriken. And also want to attach to the family fun and ottsa.

Source: drunov.ru/news/angliyskiy_shkolnik_brosaetsya_nozhami_v_svoyu_mat/
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