George Millyar
110 years ago, on November 7, 1903, was born an outstanding actor of the USSR - George Millyar family Franz de Milieu, a French engineer, bridge builder, who came to Russia to work. During his long career, he has managed to play a variety of roles: Baba Yaga, Koshchey Immortal, water, features and many, many other famous evil characters. Most of his life he was a lonely man, and quite late met his true love. However, before his death he remained a gentleman, like any self-respecting male. I suggest you learn some interesting facts from the life of this immortal actor. The son of an engineer, bridge builder from the distant Marseille and heiress of Irkutsk Gold Mining, talented character actor Georgy Millyar died June 4, 1993. In one of his last poems he wrote: "... And, probably, it would be great for the finals, at the end of the path, finally play Suvorov and then will quietly leave ...".
The dream of a grand, deep, psychological role has not been realized, but the memory of this outstanding, bright man continues to live.
He was extremely modest when it came to any material values and rewards: a separate one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the famous actor was when he was about seventy years. Until that time, huddled with his mother in a small room in a communal apartment is located in an elegant apartment once Franz de Milieu, the father of the actor. The title of People's Artist also received quite late, in 85 years, but no one ever complained.
Those who were familiar with the actor claimed that George could Franzevich thirty years wearing the same coat and an old hat pie. He preferred a cheap port and triple cologne expensive cognac, but managed to always remain "de Millyar" thoroughbred Frenchman, not less sneering at the language than his compatriot Voltaire play which he dreamed.
From Cinderella ...
Love of theater and play-acting a little Georgy instilled aunt. He began his career as a simple props on stage found himself quite by accident: ill young actress who played the role of Cinderella, seventeen Millyar it brilliantly replaced. It was not the last female character who embodied the actor on the stage, and then to the movies.
... To Baba Yaga
As time passes and witty, colorful actor will be the deserved Baba Yaga country. And on this role, he literally asked for it, confident that a woman can not cope with it, "... make-up artist just turn away and she tint cilia themselves," - he assured the director. About ten times he played the role of a grumpy old woman and insidious, each time bringing it something new. Worked on the way, frankly, lovingly, so now look interesting and the kids and adults.
Millyar and Rowe
Great success for George Frantsevich was meeting with Alexander Rowe, and the director was very proud of the friendship of the artist and say, terribly jealous of the other directors. Sixteen wonderful movie-tales Rowe actor played thirty roles and jokingly said that he was the official representative of evil forces in the cinema. The most famous paintings of the duo: "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Kashchei Immortal", "New Adventures of Puss in Boots", "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Frost", "Barbara, beauty, long braid" and many others.
Millyar and Manechka
His frivolous poems drives the paint young artists and wardrobe mistress. "The old man Pohabych" so called himself an actor, hiding behind the mask comfortable bully. In fact, he was quite gallant man, but the relationship with women he somehow did not develop. And in 65 years, the actor "suddenly" married filing with Rowe, by the way. His beloved wife, a middle-aged, have a woman (at the time of marriage proposals she was already 60), he affectionately called Manechka-bunting and was very happily married.
Source: showbizdaily.ru

The dream of a grand, deep, psychological role has not been realized, but the memory of this outstanding, bright man continues to live.
He was extremely modest when it came to any material values and rewards: a separate one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the famous actor was when he was about seventy years. Until that time, huddled with his mother in a small room in a communal apartment is located in an elegant apartment once Franz de Milieu, the father of the actor. The title of People's Artist also received quite late, in 85 years, but no one ever complained.
Those who were familiar with the actor claimed that George could Franzevich thirty years wearing the same coat and an old hat pie. He preferred a cheap port and triple cologne expensive cognac, but managed to always remain "de Millyar" thoroughbred Frenchman, not less sneering at the language than his compatriot Voltaire play which he dreamed.

From Cinderella ...
Love of theater and play-acting a little Georgy instilled aunt. He began his career as a simple props on stage found himself quite by accident: ill young actress who played the role of Cinderella, seventeen Millyar it brilliantly replaced. It was not the last female character who embodied the actor on the stage, and then to the movies.

... To Baba Yaga
As time passes and witty, colorful actor will be the deserved Baba Yaga country. And on this role, he literally asked for it, confident that a woman can not cope with it, "... make-up artist just turn away and she tint cilia themselves," - he assured the director. About ten times he played the role of a grumpy old woman and insidious, each time bringing it something new. Worked on the way, frankly, lovingly, so now look interesting and the kids and adults.

Millyar and Rowe
Great success for George Frantsevich was meeting with Alexander Rowe, and the director was very proud of the friendship of the artist and say, terribly jealous of the other directors. Sixteen wonderful movie-tales Rowe actor played thirty roles and jokingly said that he was the official representative of evil forces in the cinema. The most famous paintings of the duo: "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Kashchei Immortal", "New Adventures of Puss in Boots", "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Frost", "Barbara, beauty, long braid" and many others.
Millyar and Manechka
His frivolous poems drives the paint young artists and wardrobe mistress. "The old man Pohabych" so called himself an actor, hiding behind the mask comfortable bully. In fact, he was quite gallant man, but the relationship with women he somehow did not develop. And in 65 years, the actor "suddenly" married filing with Rowe, by the way. His beloved wife, a middle-aged, have a woman (at the time of marriage proposals she was already 60), he affectionately called Manechka-bunting and was very happily married.

Source: showbizdaily.ru