The most expensive cheese in the world
Making the expensive cheese in the world engaged in the donkey farm in Zasavika, one of the most famous nature reserves in Serbia. Cheese titled pool is made from the milk of asses, and is 1200 dollars per kilogramm.
One of the workers said the farm for the production of one kilogram of the most expensive cheese you need 25 liters of fresh milk oslits.
White, crumbly cheese looks like a Spanish manchego cheese, but with a deep, rich flavor. Manchego sold in European supermarkets for relatively cheap price of $ 20 per kg, and is certainly more modest variantom.
The reserve also produces bottled milk donkeys, which is believed to be one of the mysteries of Cleopatra's beauty. Legendary Egyptian queen daily took a bath of this moloka.
Other expensive cheeses cheese considered the Swedish elk, which costs about $ 950 per kilogram, and Caciocavallo Podolico - cheese produced from the milk of a rare breed of Italian cow that gives milk only in May and iyune.
Source: www.terra-z.ru/archives/25145