Atlantis 3D

real Atlantis, which sank off the coast of Egypt about 1,200 years ago, has been recovered by scientists on the surface with the technology of 3D-modeling. Heracleon City - a place where there was a temple, which was inaugurated Cleopatra was one of the most important commercial centers of the Mediterranean, before it disappeared in a place that is now known as the Bay of Aboukir. Heracleon was discovered in 2001 and after more than a decade of excavation, the researchers were able to create a three-dimensional map with the image of the ancient center of trade.

For centuries, Heracleon was considered a legend, like the legendary city of Atlantis. But 12 years ago, an underwater archaeologist Dr. Frank Goddio, who has studied the Egyptian coastline, trying to find the sunken French warships of the 18th century, who participated in the Battle of the Nile, came across a treasure of the lost city.

Once was removed a layer of sand and dirt, divers found evidence of extreme wealth and were able to recreate Heracleon, who is believed to have been the center of Mediterranean trade more than 1,000 years ago. Archaeologists have found the remains of more than 64 ships, buried in the seabed at four miles off the coast of Egypt, the largest number of ancient vessels ever found in one place. A team of divers found the anchors 700, gold coins and scales, made of bronze and stone, which was used in trade.

"We have discovered a truly amazing things that have helped us to better understand how trade was conducted, and all that happened in the Egyptian kingdom of the late period. There were things that made the Greeks and Phoenicians, "- said Dr. Damian Robinson, director of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology.

The international research team also found the remains of the legendary temple of Amun-Geréb, where Cleopatra was given authority to rule Egypt. The temple was the center point Heracleon of which costs a network of canals, which, like the Venetian interconnecting different parts of the city. The giant five-meter statue, as well as hundreds of small statues of Egyptian gods, were raised from the seabed at a depth of 45 meters.

Other finds include stone blocks with Greek and ancient Egyptian sarcophagi and dozens of inscriptions, in which, as researchers believe, lie the mummified animals sacrificed Amon-Geréb. A team of researchers led by Dr. Goddio yet to establish the reason why the city was under water.
Source: fedpost.ru/foto/42343-atlantida-v-3d-uchenye-vossozdali-legendarnyj-gorod.html