After 47 years
former Vietnamese soldiers reunited with his right hand, which he had lost more than 40 years ago. This was made possible thanks to the doctor to carry out an amputation of the upper limb. Captured Viet Cong soldiers came to a military hospital in the United States in 1966, dying of gangrene in his hand, which was shot. After the amputation of the hand was left Sam Akselrada for forty let.
"With it removed tissue, bone wire connected and given them to me. When six months later I left Vietnam, I decided not to throw it. Until that time, it was in my suitcase, "- said hirurg.
Many years later, Sam visited Vietnam, a journalist and wrote a history of the stored hand. Then it turned out that Nguyen was still alive, and the doctor wanted to return to his hand. Problems have arisen in customs: the American and Vietnamese law cross-border transport of bone is not prohibited. Khan said he was glad: amputated arm and the testimony of the doctor to help him draw a pension as a veteran voyny.
"Documents have disappeared for another war, and the state in my disability pension denied. I hope that the hand will prove ", - he said, adding that he wants to be buried along with the once lost a hand.
Source: mirfactov.com/