Eerie Bunny
Video rabbit hit by a rare disease, agitated Internet users. 20-year-old Gunnar Boettcher, who is a student at one of the colleges of Minnesota, said that settled in the barn an animal. Curious American looked closer to the beast, Hidden among the wood, and then recoiled - uninvited guest turned out to be a rabbit with a terrible growths on morde.
According to the student, it is a Facebook video spread like wildfire and became extremely popular. The best friend of 20-year-old American also posted a video on the website Reddit, where it gained 223 592 1950 View comments and just 5 dney.
Although the majority of Internet users called the rabbit monster in his appearance there is nothing supernatural or monstrous. The fact that the animal suffers from a skin papillomas induced by Shope virus. This pathology is characterized by the presence of genital tumors in the head and neck zhivotnyh.Novoobrazovaniya can grow to such an extent that rabbits lose the ability to eat and die from goloda.
Pets virus Shope were often sources of horror stories about a mythical creature with the body of a rabbit and antelope horns.
Source: mirfactov.com/