Little Snail

Four-Paul Franklin, resting on the beach with her parents and brought home not only vivid impressions about the rest, but volute. However, the fact that he was armed with a clam, the boy learned quite sluchayno.

While adults have organized an event on the beach, little boy examined the surrounding area. During the inspection of a huge boulder fell Sex and cut the skin on the right kolene.

A week later, the story of Paul's wound began to be forgotten, when suddenly there was a new trouble - the boy who studied skate, fell and hurt his right knee again. Shortly after the incident, his knee was swollen and hot to oschup.

Mother did not engage in amateur and took his son to the hospital, where doctors took samples of damaged tissues. After reviewing the test results, the doctor said the mother of a small patient that his wound was infected with staph infection and was discharged large doses antibiotikov.

"I gave her son drugs for ten days, and began to notice how the wound begins to heal. Then I thought that our trials are behind us, but it was not so. A few days later Paul again and fell from his bruises beginning to trickle liquid. I knew that doctors have categorically rejected the idea of staging a drain, but made their own way, ensuring that the contents of the wound drain "- says mother doshkolnika.

Imagine her surprise when there was a tiny hole in the object, resembling a black stone. Peering closer, Americans realized that in front of them is a living snail. The boy's father, who lived with shellfish month in the leg, said that during the first fall of his son landed a slot on snails and accidentally introduced into a wound one of the eggs.
Source: mirfactov.com/