Diamond in five carats

12-year-old Michael Detlaff (Dettlaff) from North Carolina during his ten-minute walk through the Arkansas state park found the diamond worth 15 thousand dollars. Boy found a stone the size of a bean, but, unlike the latter, it is priceless. "We spent probably not more than ten minutes, and then I noticed that on the ground something shiny and bent down to pick it, - said Michael told reporters. - It was such a ... glass. And it is very smooth, "- added the boy.

Michael made his discovery in the diamond crater located in the Arkansas state park, which is the only place in the world where it is claimed on the official web site of the park, one can find a diamond. Among the "finders keepers" of the park are the ones who are lucky as well as young Detlaffu. Among the 75,000 diamonds found in this field for many years, there are historical finds 40-carat stone, done in 1924, the year. Michael found the diamond was much smaller, and at first the boy's family did not even realize what it is.

"When I brought the bag and took out the stone, the guy who was sitting there, just got out of the orbits of the eyes," - says Michael. "He told me to wait a bit, and went into the back room. And then from there ran out a lot of people who have been congratulating me and say that this is a very big diamond, "- says a little lucky. Michael called his 5, 16-carat treasure "Glory Diamond Will of God." According to preliminary estimates, it can cost $ 15,000, reports the Daily News.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/43490-malchik-gulyaya-v-parke-nashel-almaz-v-pyat-karat.html