A resident of South Carolina

jackpot winner of the American Powerball lottery in the amount of $ 400 million is a resident of South Carolina. As announced on Monday, September 23, representatives of the organizing committee of the lottery winning ticket holder decided to keep his name secret. In this case, a resident of South Carolina told the organizers of the lottery, which has got the winning ticket, stay at one of the gas stations to buy his wife a hot dog. The store at the gas station hot dogs was not, and then he decided to spend $ 20 on a lottery ticket. According to the owner of the jackpot - the fourth-largest in US history, he bought a lottery ticket for the second time in zhizni.

Under the terms of the lottery Powerball, the winner can either get all the won amount in installments over 29 years, or to agree to a lump sum payment, while losing some funds. If a resident of South Carolina, choose the second option of a win, he can count on 233 million dollars.
Source: mirfactov.com/