A resident of Hawaii

Hawaii resident whose name has 35 letters, has ensured that her full name to be entered in the identity card and driving license. Janice "Lokelani" Kiehanaykukauakahihulihiikahaunaele (Janice «Lokelani» Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele) forced the government to make changes to the computer program for the completion of documents, which limits the length of the names of 34 znakami.

When the program will update throughout the state, the limit will be expanded to 40 characters, told in Hawaiian transport management. New documents will receive an American at the end of the year. As described Kiehanaykukauakahihulihiikahaunaele, she decided to seek justice after the police officer who stopped her car, made some disrespectful comments about the Hawaiian culture. He, in particular, he advised the woman to return to her maiden name instead of unpronounceable traditsionnoy.

Maiden Name Kiehanaykukauakahihulihiikahaunaele - Worth (Worth). She took her husband's surname after her marriage in 1992, but since then a widow.
Source: mirfactov.com/