Do not tighten the belt!

People who love to tighten their belts, have a higher risk of throat cancer, new research from the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde. Scottish experts believe that tighten the belt can cause stomach acid up the esophagus and cause irreparable damage to health. In particular, it increases the risk of cancer of the esophagus. The Daily Record reported that researchers worked with 24 volunteers who in the past have suffered from acid reflux. Each of these scientists are asked to swallow a device that collects data before and after meals.

The measurements were recorded in cases where the participants were dressed in trousers with a belt, and when they were pants without a belt. The researchers found that when participants tightly to tighten their belts, they are more likely to suffer from heartburn. Especially notable was this relationship in people who are overweight. Lead researcher, Professor of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences Kenneth McColl of the University of Glasgow, said: "Due to the much belt-tightening, especially if you are overweight, increasing the load on the valve between the stomach and esophagus. This leads to the promotion of gastric acid up the esophagus. Unlike the stomach, which can withstand acid, esophagus damaged. This leads to heartburn, and in the long term can result in esophageal cancer. "

Professor McCall also added that the incidence of esophageal cancer is rising faster than any other form of cancer. However, esophageal cancer is relatively rare, and most cases of it affects people over 55 years. The earliest symptom is usually considered the difficulties that occur when swallowing. Heartburn is also linked to cancer, because it can damage cells in the esophagus, causing them to change. These altered cells often become cancerous.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43880-tugo-zatyanutyj-remen-mozhet-vyzvat-rak.html