Oil in Russia

of all known oil reserves in the world will last for 56 years. That is the conclusion reached by researchers of the World Energy Council. At the same time Russian stocks would last only for the next 15 let.

These data are published in the WEC its annual report. According to the research, in the bowels of the earth there are still 223 billion tons of oil and 209 trillion cubic meters of gas. At the current level of consumption of enough yet about half a century. At the same time there is another resource which should be enough for the next 100 years - coal. According to WPP, many countries are actively using these minerals. For example, in China, 79% of electricity is produced by burning coal. The US In this way, about 40% of its elektroenergii.

Expert Union of Oil Rustam Tankan believes that coal will still not be able to take the place of oil, because "of all the possible sources of energy is considered the dirtiest." After the burning of coal in the country can keep acid rain, and that the negative impact on agriculture and the environment. The use of this mineral to produce electricity is problematic, but, nevertheless, projected demand for coal in 2020 will increase by chetvert.

There is also a view that compete with oil in the near future will be able to make alternative energy sources such as hydrogen and methane. In European countries, actively conducted research strength of the wind and the sun.
Source: news.mail.ru/