All Hallows Day. From Ireland to America and on the world

Long ago, before the new era, in what is now Great Britain, Ireland and the north of France lived tribes of the Celts.
Religion have been natural, in the sense that they worshiped nature, nature, worshiped the god of the sun, without which no life. In the evening the sun goes down and everyone can see that in the darkness reigns entirely different god, lord of the cold, darkness and winter, Samhain.
It was believed that on October 31 Samhain sobiretes souls of the dead, embodying them in animals.
Question - how it was possible to determine the October 31, when there was no tear-off calendar? Answer - Celtic priests, the Druids were very knowledgeable people and the stars pinpointed day when you have to stay awake in anticipation of Samhain.
Hilltop bonfires druids to help light the sun-god. This was considered a sacred fire, it burned dry straw and animal sacrifices.
At midnight - and Druids knew this without any alarms, began the worship of Samhain, the next six months because he belonged. In the morning all handed out hot embers that fuel stove in the house, so as not to be disturbed by evil spirits.
And so it went until the Roman conquerors who the fourth century of the Gentiles themselves reforged into Christians.
The Romans ruled on November 1 to celebrate "All Saints Day", especially those saints who do not have a calendar day. They hoped that the Celtic people forget their pagan error. But he has not forgotten his prejudices were tenacious, because of increased wildlife.
Pagan-oriented citizens began to celebrate October 31 "Witch Night" as the eve of All Saints Day, or Old English, All Hallows Day.
There was a legend about a drunkard Jack. Jack seduced Besa climb the apple tree for juicy Antonovka as well as that climbed, quickly cut a cross on the trunk. The devil, as we know, most of all afraid to cross.
Demon with apple peel not, Jack Bes bargained to one for his soul did not come and the demon promised him. The time has come, Jack died, came to the gate of paradise, and his paradise is not allowed. "You are - say - an evil drunkard."
Jack - an old friend, a demon, and he says - I kept his word, why turn to me? Where should I go? - Jack cried - "Go where you came from" - says Besse. But an old friend Jack threw a hot ember from hell fire.
Jack at the moment chewed pumpkin, he is there and ember hidden. Sooty damn, does not go out, and Jack also became cursed, he is nowhere shelter, walking ever since with his pumpkin lantern. And has become a tradition for the Irish cut the pumpkin, and insert a candle in it on the eve of All Saints.
In the forties of the 19th century Ireland was struck potato aphid, potato from which to black mush. Irish, practically, only potatoes and ate. Was a terrible famine, who could, escaped and went to America. Immigrants brought back this pagan and, from the point of view of the church, ungodly custom.
Today, more than a half century later, and about the saints do not remember, but pumpkin on October 31 - right there. All stores sell pumpkins, and along with all sorts of horror stories, masks, makeup on the face of death.
Children delighted because it legitimized the prank. You can dress up or ghoul Witcher and adults with the threat of money to ask.
Childhood pass, but the mental scars remain.
All my life I will chuditsya torches darkness with Halloween.