33 things I learned from the movies.

1. All telephone numbers in the United States beginning with the digits 555.
2. No matter how badly damaged the spacecraft, its internal gravity system is never damaged.
3. All speak English, no matter where they come from. Even aliens from outer space, despite the fact that he had never been in the world and, accordingly, have not heard about the Earth or earthy.
4. When you turn out the light to go to bed, everything in your room will be clearly visible, but in a slightly bluish tones.
5. All computer disks work on all computers, regardless of the software.
6. TV news tend to transmit release that affects you personally at the precise moment when you turn on the TV.
7. Immediate family members do not like each other, or have a passing resemblance.
8. No matter how fuzzy picture, you can zoom in and see every detail.
9. Even among themselves, all foreigners prefer to speak English.
10. All writers - rich, all publishing companies - glamorous, all artists have large attractive well-lit studio on the top floor.
11. If the expert makes a prediction and did not believe him - all come to pass exactly as he predicted. If you believe - it will never happen.
12. Most laptops - powerful enough to take over the communication systems of any hostile alien civilizations.
13. In the kitchens there is no light, so if you go into the kitchen at night, then you have to open the refrigerator and use it for lighting.
14. The ventilation system of any building - the ultimate escape. Nobody would think to look for you there, and you can safely get on it to anywhere in the building.
15. All bombs are built electronic meters time with a big red scoreboard, so you always know exactly when they will explode.
16. All beds have special blankets, having an L-shape, which cover a woman to his shoulders, and the man next to her only from the waist up.
17. The hero of the film is extremely fast typing text, and never use a key "gap".
18. Lipstick never be erased, even if you're scuba diving.
19. If the film has a supporting character and a dark basement, which should not be included, then the hero necessarily go down there to ask a stupid question there is, "Who's there?" And get to the head.
20. If you are good-looking blonde, then most likely, you will become a global expert on nuclear weapons at the age of 22 years.
21. If you are driving on a perfectly straight road, you just need to turn the steering wheel sharply to the left to right every few seconds.
22. If something emits radiation, it certainly glows green.
23. The villains have the evil face that they should be arrested only in appearance.
24. Cough is usually a symptom of an incurable disease.
25. When paid the taxi driver, do not look in the wallet - take at random and give. Will always be the required amount.
26. Any lock can be opened in seconds by credit card or a paper clip, if it is not the door to a burning building, where there is a child.
27. Any computer boots up no more than 2 seconds.
28. Any person waking up from a nightmare, abruptly sits down and begins to breathe heavily.
29. Being in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises source, wearing his most candid underwear.
30. It makes no difference how many enemies you have to fight, if you apply the technique of martial arts. Your enemies will wait patiently, dancing around as long as you do not send them all one by one in a knockout.
31. Never have problems parking in front of any institution fit you.
32. Newborn babies are able to babble, roll yourself and keep your head.
33. A single match is enough to light up a room the size of a stadium.