Moscow diggers punished owner of a cafe
One of the owners of the cafe decided to illegally connect the toilet drain their establishments to the urban river. Naturally such actions very troubled capital diggers and they are not thinking decided teach him a lesson.
The author writes: A couple of weeks ago with the old man, we have decided to recall its former paratozorom youth and walk along the river Neglinnoy collector - one of the most extensive underground river systems of Moscow. To his chagrin fair, we found that a large part of the main river tunnel distinctly smelled sewage. Earlier in Neglinka was only one such short section - under Samotechny Boulevard, where the emergency gate that connects the river system with pre-revolutionary sanitation. Pretty quickly detect illegal podklyuchka from which punctually fetid trickle flowed. The wall at the well from which protruded plastic pipe was covered with disgusting muck, and the smell wafting over many hundreds of meters.
Say that it upset me - would mean nothing to say. Mentally prikinuv where the terrain is this well, I realized that such a nice "present" presented to employees Mosvodokanal, diggers and even all the inhabitants of Moscow (do not forget that the collector Neglinnoy flows into the Moskva River) cafe that stands at the beginning of Color Boulevard . Its foul logic in this was, legally connected to the city sewer system - a long, expensive chore, you will have a bunch of permissions. And everything is simple - drilled a hole in a couple of feet to the neighboring well - and sewage sludge is ready.
One could, of course, call the Waterworks and nayabednichali. But, given the existing experience with this organization, I do not doubt that it will not bring any fruit. Therefore, we as a socially active citizens decided to take matters into their own hands :) When climbed to the surface without removing boots, orange vests and lanterns, we went to the notorious cafes, introduced Mosvodokanal workers and demanded the manager. Lady submit Helena, we asked to inform the owners, so they eliminated the illegal sewage podklyuchku, otherwise we either eliminate it yourself, or do file a lawsuit (yes, I know, these powers have not been, but there all good). Time has gone.
So the other day, we again paid a visit to the Neglinnaya, this time - well prepared.
In essence, this know-how does not belong to us: Diggers already a couple of times on his own initiative eliminated illegal govnostoki. Technology is as follows: first tube filled construction sealant, then hammered rags, then again sealant again rags again sealant, and so on. In addition, we have improved a little shut-off device on the hatch leading into this well: primotat "tongue" on the inside cover fixing, steel wire, to enterprising inventors illegal ways drain feces into the urban river system was difficult to get back into the well. Finally, after another week or two, we do not be too lazy to double-check how things are going, and if you will again see the sidebar illegal - well, you get the idea. This is our city and it is our river. It is not necessary to take a crap. Sincerely - Nikodimych.
P.S. For particularly squeamish citizens: yes, it is not palatable - slimy climb stairs, smeared waste of life of thousands of people. But, first, socially useful thing more important, and secondly, if I was afraid to get dirty - never went to the ground.
Source: zyalt.livejournal.com

The author writes: A couple of weeks ago with the old man, we have decided to recall its former paratozorom youth and walk along the river Neglinnoy collector - one of the most extensive underground river systems of Moscow. To his chagrin fair, we found that a large part of the main river tunnel distinctly smelled sewage. Earlier in Neglinka was only one such short section - under Samotechny Boulevard, where the emergency gate that connects the river system with pre-revolutionary sanitation. Pretty quickly detect illegal podklyuchka from which punctually fetid trickle flowed. The wall at the well from which protruded plastic pipe was covered with disgusting muck, and the smell wafting over many hundreds of meters.

Say that it upset me - would mean nothing to say. Mentally prikinuv where the terrain is this well, I realized that such a nice "present" presented to employees Mosvodokanal, diggers and even all the inhabitants of Moscow (do not forget that the collector Neglinnoy flows into the Moskva River) cafe that stands at the beginning of Color Boulevard . Its foul logic in this was, legally connected to the city sewer system - a long, expensive chore, you will have a bunch of permissions. And everything is simple - drilled a hole in a couple of feet to the neighboring well - and sewage sludge is ready.

One could, of course, call the Waterworks and nayabednichali. But, given the existing experience with this organization, I do not doubt that it will not bring any fruit. Therefore, we as a socially active citizens decided to take matters into their own hands :) When climbed to the surface without removing boots, orange vests and lanterns, we went to the notorious cafes, introduced Mosvodokanal workers and demanded the manager. Lady submit Helena, we asked to inform the owners, so they eliminated the illegal sewage podklyuchku, otherwise we either eliminate it yourself, or do file a lawsuit (yes, I know, these powers have not been, but there all good). Time has gone.

So the other day, we again paid a visit to the Neglinnaya, this time - well prepared.

In essence, this know-how does not belong to us: Diggers already a couple of times on his own initiative eliminated illegal govnostoki. Technology is as follows: first tube filled construction sealant, then hammered rags, then again sealant again rags again sealant, and so on. In addition, we have improved a little shut-off device on the hatch leading into this well: primotat "tongue" on the inside cover fixing, steel wire, to enterprising inventors illegal ways drain feces into the urban river system was difficult to get back into the well. Finally, after another week or two, we do not be too lazy to double-check how things are going, and if you will again see the sidebar illegal - well, you get the idea. This is our city and it is our river. It is not necessary to take a crap. Sincerely - Nikodimych.

P.S. For particularly squeamish citizens: yes, it is not palatable - slimy climb stairs, smeared waste of life of thousands of people. But, first, socially useful thing more important, and secondly, if I was afraid to get dirty - never went to the ground.

Source: zyalt.livejournal.com
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