Supreme Commander 2 - before the start of the month
US-based developer Gas Powered Games and the Japanese from Square Enix say that just in the first days of spring will be released long-awaited sequel to the popular strategy Supreme Commander 2.
Gamers in North America will be able to purchase the game is already the second of March this year, and three days later, Supreme Commander 2 will appear on the European continent. The truth is we are talking about leaving the game for personal computers. Owners of the Xbox 360 will have to wait about three weeks. For Americans, the date has been determined (26.03.2010). Europeans have to wait for official information from Square Enix, responsible for the release of the game.
Actions Supreme Commander 2 unfold, according to the chronology, after a quarter century after the events of the first game. The war, which was not the end, after all is over, and peace came. But peace lasted very long ...
Killed President Colonial Defense Coalition, and passion every moment more and more heated. It seems that the war can not be avoided, and we are just that, and serve!

Gamers in North America will be able to purchase the game is already the second of March this year, and three days later, Supreme Commander 2 will appear on the European continent. The truth is we are talking about leaving the game for personal computers. Owners of the Xbox 360 will have to wait about three weeks. For Americans, the date has been determined (26.03.2010). Europeans have to wait for official information from Square Enix, responsible for the release of the game.

Actions Supreme Commander 2 unfold, according to the chronology, after a quarter century after the events of the first game. The war, which was not the end, after all is over, and peace came. But peace lasted very long ...

Killed President Colonial Defense Coalition, and passion every moment more and more heated. It seems that the war can not be avoided, and we are just that, and serve!