Teleki with bryulikami

British jeweler Stuart Hughes, known for its mobile phones, inlaid with precious stones and metals, he switched to larger vehicles. He presented a 55-inch TV, generously studded with precious stones. There are two choices of finish: PrestigeHD SUPREME Rose (left) and a version of "simpler» PrestigeHD SUPREME (right). On the pink version takes 28 kilos of 18-carat pink gold, 72 round diamonds of 1 carat, and in addition to amber and amethyst. The inside of the steering wheel of a crocodile. The cost of precious TV is 1, 5 million. Pounds. In PrestigeHD SUPREME used 22-karat gold, 48 diamonds on the remaining space is filled with aventurine and topaz. The cost - 1 million. Pounds. Electronic filling the TV made by the Swiss company PrestigeHD Technology German Metz.