Salmon on the coat

This salad is like a herring under a fur coat, but with red fish, and even podansq portions will look good on the holiday table. You can cook it a lot, on a large platter, using the rim with detachable molds for cakes.
300g (approx) salted salmon fillet
1-2 onions
2 boiled eggs
1 large carrot boiled
2 boiled beets
2 boiled potatoes
100-200g mayonnaise
greenery at will and taste.
All vegetables grate on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, eggs, too grate.
In mayonnaise can add sour cream, lettuce will be more tender. Put the ring salad on a plate. Bottom of the dish can be a little grease races. oil. Put a layer of beets, spread with mayonnaise, top with carrots, potatoes, eggs, onions, not forgetting each layer peremazyvat mayonnaise.
At the top lay salmon or sliced slices. Decorate on your own. Put the salad in the fridge for a couple of hours to have a good soaked. Before serving, carefully remove the ring.