The most unusual musical devices
Guitar, piano, drums. Everyone is used to their sound. But sometimes there are really very unusual musical devices that want to not only listen, but also to see. We offer you a small selection of unique devices.
1. Laser Harp
This tool consists of several laser beams to be overlap - very similar to the game on normal strings of the harp. Created this miracle of technology and the arts for 22 years. A play on this instrument will be able to, not even touching it. An example of such a harp - Laser Harp LH8-50 - Tool 8 rays. It builds on the industrial laser power of 50mW or 100mW.
2. Tenori-On
Japanese miracle of music and technology. Musical instrument created by Japanese artist Toshio Iwai. This is something like Tetris display externally and internally - a large library of music and sounds. The device is equipped with MIDI and allows visualization of music. The device is interesting and easy to use.
3. Zevsofon
This hybrid of science and art. In 2007, the inventors of music fans zevsofon was created, in which use low-voltage high-frequency coil Nikola Tesla. Even the dull sound with this tool could be an outstanding physics, and only.
4. xDevice Magic Sound
Model cars look like toys or souvenirs. But, actually, it's mobile lineup of speakers xDevice Magic Sound. "Musical Toy" is running on battery and equipped with powerful speakers. In xDevice Magic Sound has FM-radio, MP3-player, memory card support and miniUSB port for connecting to a computer.
5. Steel tongue drum
In a broader sound this instrument was called HAPI drum. It sounds like a drum Hang (Hang Drum). Due to lack of halftones in Steel tongue drum impossible sharp frets gravity. Simply put, all played notes sound harmoniously with each other. Anyone who has at least some sense of rhythm, be able to play on Steel tongue drum and feel like a musician.
6. Bike player
Unusual sound system invented teenagers from New York. They turn bicycles in music devices - mobile, inexpensive and creative. Usually attached to the trunk of a huge column, from which comes the most powerful sound. With such velopleerom disco and easy to arrange in the middle of the forest.
7. Reactoscope
Unique interactive tool synthesis of audio and video. Play at this you must use the glass washers. Moving them on the table, the musician creates a melody and video.
8. AirPiano
The author of this air piano - Engineer Omer Yosha (Omer Yosha). Playing on this, one need not touch keys. More specifically, a long touch panel with a transparent glass cover.
9. ITar
iTar - a kind of hybrid guitar and iPad. To the neck in a special connector is connected tablet. Then installed the necessary software - specially developed application for the iPad. Appear on the screen of the string, and the need to clamp on the fretboard frets.
10. Theremin
This strange electrical music instrument was created by Russian inventor Lev Sergeyevich Termen. The musician does not touch the instrument, remove the whimsical sounds. Depending on the distance to the hand of the musician antennas tool oscillating circuit capacitance changes, and as a result, the frequency of sound. This tool is easy to build with their own hands.
11. Robot Android xDevice Magic Sound MS-02.
xDevice Magic Sound MS-02 is suitable for fans of Android, of which today is becoming more and more.
12. Angry Birds.
Well, brought up the rear of the famous game characters Angry Birds. This is again a mini audio Magic Sound of xDevice.
1. Laser Harp
This tool consists of several laser beams to be overlap - very similar to the game on normal strings of the harp. Created this miracle of technology and the arts for 22 years. A play on this instrument will be able to, not even touching it. An example of such a harp - Laser Harp LH8-50 - Tool 8 rays. It builds on the industrial laser power of 50mW or 100mW.

2. Tenori-On
Japanese miracle of music and technology. Musical instrument created by Japanese artist Toshio Iwai. This is something like Tetris display externally and internally - a large library of music and sounds. The device is equipped with MIDI and allows visualization of music. The device is interesting and easy to use.

3. Zevsofon
This hybrid of science and art. In 2007, the inventors of music fans zevsofon was created, in which use low-voltage high-frequency coil Nikola Tesla. Even the dull sound with this tool could be an outstanding physics, and only.

4. xDevice Magic Sound
Model cars look like toys or souvenirs. But, actually, it's mobile lineup of speakers xDevice Magic Sound. "Musical Toy" is running on battery and equipped with powerful speakers. In xDevice Magic Sound has FM-radio, MP3-player, memory card support and miniUSB port for connecting to a computer.

5. Steel tongue drum
In a broader sound this instrument was called HAPI drum. It sounds like a drum Hang (Hang Drum). Due to lack of halftones in Steel tongue drum impossible sharp frets gravity. Simply put, all played notes sound harmoniously with each other. Anyone who has at least some sense of rhythm, be able to play on Steel tongue drum and feel like a musician.

6. Bike player
Unusual sound system invented teenagers from New York. They turn bicycles in music devices - mobile, inexpensive and creative. Usually attached to the trunk of a huge column, from which comes the most powerful sound. With such velopleerom disco and easy to arrange in the middle of the forest.

7. Reactoscope
Unique interactive tool synthesis of audio and video. Play at this you must use the glass washers. Moving them on the table, the musician creates a melody and video.

8. AirPiano
The author of this air piano - Engineer Omer Yosha (Omer Yosha). Playing on this, one need not touch keys. More specifically, a long touch panel with a transparent glass cover.

9. ITar
iTar - a kind of hybrid guitar and iPad. To the neck in a special connector is connected tablet. Then installed the necessary software - specially developed application for the iPad. Appear on the screen of the string, and the need to clamp on the fretboard frets.

10. Theremin
This strange electrical music instrument was created by Russian inventor Lev Sergeyevich Termen. The musician does not touch the instrument, remove the whimsical sounds. Depending on the distance to the hand of the musician antennas tool oscillating circuit capacitance changes, and as a result, the frequency of sound. This tool is easy to build with their own hands.

11. Robot Android xDevice Magic Sound MS-02.
xDevice Magic Sound MS-02 is suitable for fans of Android, of which today is becoming more and more.

12. Angry Birds.
Well, brought up the rear of the famous game characters Angry Birds. This is again a mini audio Magic Sound of xDevice.