Top Model in Russian
Three leaders show "Top Model in Russian 3" finally emerged, the most fortunate and diligent of all participants became Tanya Kozuto, Anna Afanasyev and Lily Kocur, which are said to members of the jury, it rose during the project. In my subjective opinion, Tanya and Lily did not fit the role of top models, because the first was too false, and the second clamped. As for Anna Afanasyeva, it might well be a model, but the model is not world class. I can not judge, but the view after watching 10 and 11 series had such.
Photoshoot this time very different, but one thing unites them - they are made by Western photographers that our girls were highly praised. Good shots at participating were indeed, but there is one big "but": not chosen the most successful and understand why - to oust another girl who is not satisfied with the creators of the show as an interesting player. Well, take a look at photos of the two new shoots girls who this time called "Police" and "Musical styles».
Tanya Kozuto
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Musical Styles» (R & B)
Anna Afanasyev
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (rock)
Lily Kocur
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (techno)
Dasha Kornienko (dropped)
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (pop)
Lida Marycheva (dropped)
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot this time very different, but one thing unites them - they are made by Western photographers that our girls were highly praised. Good shots at participating were indeed, but there is one big "but": not chosen the most successful and understand why - to oust another girl who is not satisfied with the creators of the show as an interesting player. Well, take a look at photos of the two new shoots girls who this time called "Police" and "Musical styles».
Tanya Kozuto
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Musical Styles» (R & B)
Anna Afanasyev
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (rock)

Lily Kocur
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (techno)

Dasha Kornienko (dropped)
Photoshoot «Police»
Photoshoot "Music Styles" (pop)

Lida Marycheva (dropped)
Photoshoot «Police»