Fast decline of oil tycoons?

A year ago, Martin Fleischmann died, a British scientist, an outstanding specialist in electrochemistry. He died on August 3rd.
Martin Fleischmann was born in 1927 in Carlsbad, when they were still called Carlsbad. His mother was a Catholic, and the name he got from his grandfather, who was adopted by a Jewish family. In 1938, the couple with children Fleischmann miraculously escaped the Nazis and came to England. "When we got to the platform Liverpool Street Station, then the whole family for the soul we had 27 shillings and 6 pence" - he told me.
Martin Fleischmann university graduate, doctorate, he taught at the University of Daramskom, was a professor of electrochemistry in Southampton, President of the International Electrochemical Society, in '86 he became a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences.
In 1983 he retired and took up his favorite theme - the search of cold fusion. It is known that fusion takes place in the depths of the sun with a huge pressure and hundreds of millions of degrees, but Fleischmann tried to achieve fusion at room temperature, electrochemically.
March 23, 1989, Martin Fleischmann and his colleague, Pons, held a press conference. In the face of the world of journalism they showed "cold fusion" - «cold fusion", as he was immediately dubbed the writing fraternity.
The world shuddered. It was a clean and cheap source of energy that could radically change the future of mankind. Fleischmann and Pons were on the cover of the magazine "Time" and "Newsweek". Thousands of scientists around the world rushed to reproduce the experience. Economists thought then that scientific workdays cost hundreds of millions.
A few weeks later began a backward wave. One well-known laboratory after another reported that confirm the data Fleischmann can not. Increasing the temperature was, but without any signs of nuclear fusion, for example, no neutrons are released.
Skepticism has grown into anger, sounded accusations of scientific incompetence, gleamed the term "pathological science." Scientific reputation was Fleischmann seemed irretrievably lost.
Subject cold fusion was buried. Martin Fleischmann sometimes remembered interviewed asked - not whether it goes against the laws of physics, not trying to open a perpetual motion machine?
"The newspaper The New York Times - dry half smile commented Fleischmann - before the flight of the Wright brothers wrote that the car is heavier than air flying through the air can not, by definition».
However, the work continues. The Italian branch of research has announced itself in 2011. In Bologna, indoors Physics Department of the University of Gdańsk hosted an online conference, during which scientists and journalists was presented a working prototype reactor with a capacity of 10 kW, operating on the principle of "cold fusion».
The inventor of the device, Andrea Rossi, claimed that on one kilogram of nickel reactor can continuously give out 10 kilowatts of power for 10 thousand. Hours (ie slightly less than 14 months). According to his calculations, the electricity generated in this reactor will cost about 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.
Two respected physicist from Sweden gave positive feedback on the camera, but the enemies and critics from Russia were more. He was accused of falsifying results, recalled some unpleasant strokes of his biography, recorded in international rogues or even crazy.
A few days ago, Mr. Rossi said that made the first generator. It is made industrial contractor, ie a third party, without any whatsoever of its participation. Node has been tested and launched by independent experts and testing was successful. The first node may be installed in Sweden. It is placed in a standard transport container has a capacity of 1 MW. Environmentally friendly process.
Rossi himself on this occasion said that "humanity" comes from the Middle Ages ", referring to the enormous possibilities of new energy.
Andrea Rossi takes orders for manufacture of reactor systems of cold fusion E-Cat (from the English. Energy catalyzer - catalyst of energy) with a capacity of one megawatt. And since there is not an ephemeral creation of another fantasy "alchemist of science," and there is indeed a functioning and ready to be sold in real time point device. Moreover, the first two units have already found owners.
These truly break the paradigm of modern energy systems can be configured to produce up to one megawatt of power at the output of each. Installation includes from 52 to 100 or more individual "modules" E-Cat, each of which consists of three small internal cold fusion reactors. All modules are assembled within a conventional steel container (measuring 5m x 2, 2 x 6m, 6m), which can be installed anywhere. Can be delivered by land, sea or air. Importantly, in contrast to the widely used nuclear fission reactors, reactor cold fusion E-Cat does not use radioactive substances, does not emit radioactive radiation into the environment, does not produce nuclear waste, and does not carry the potential dangers of the melting reactor core or shell - the most fatal and, unfortunately, quite common, the accident at the traditional nuclear installations. The worst scenario for the E-Cat: reactor core overheats, it breaks down and just stops working. And all.
And we all - gas, oil ...