20 little-known and very interesting facts about oil

In recent years, oil has become a real "star of the screen." Technology, threatening to make production of this important natural resource senseless, come on the heels of the traditional energy sources, and this situation unnerving entire world ekonomiku.Stanet whether our generation witnessed the decline of the oil market? It is possible, as long as Website invites its readers to learn more about oil and oil products.
During the First World War aircraft castor oil was used as a lubricant for the engine. Due to the fact that the unburned residues of castor oil were ejected out of the exhaust pipe, pilots often suffered diarrhea. America gets more oil from Canada and Mexico, than all of the Middle East combined. The Norwegian oil company Statoil has put up for sale one of its platform by placing the following announcement: "For Sale groomed platform with 20 bedrooms, with panoramic views of the sea. It also has enough space for the helicopter. " < In Turkmenistan, every driver receives 120 liters of free petrol a month. The average annual salary of a worker on an oil rig was about 100 000 US dollars in 2011. Beverly Hills High School in California has 19 oil wells on the territory of its campus. School earns about 300 000 US dollars per year. Diesel engines are named after their inventor, not fuel. In fact, one of the first diesel engine to work on peanut oil. In the United States accounting for nearly half of global oil consumption. Russian daily produces about one million barrels more than Saudi Arabia. In 2010, a London broker Steve Perkins, being heavily drunk, accidentally bought oil worth more than $ 500 million. < He alone was able to lower world oil prices up to 8-month high. According to the World Health Organization, diesel fuel is more carcinogenic than cigarettes. In Norway, one of the world's highest prices for gasoline. The proceeds will embark on the provision of free education and improved infrastructure. < Even if all production of corn and soybeans in the United States has focused on the production of biofuel, it would satisfy only about 10% of the demand for fuel. From the engine room of the battleship USS Arizona, which was sunk in 1941 Pearl Harbor, this day is leaking fuel, forming a spot on the surface of the water over the ship. Despite the fact that the United States has spent almost $ 700 billion on the war in Iraq, all the oil contracts were purchased by other countries. It came as a surprise to many people, but America was almost the only country that has not benefited from the oil resources of Iraq. From pipeline in Ecuador emerged in the Amazon rainforest more oil than as a result of an oil spill at the Exxon Valdez tanker accident in Alaska. Because in remote areas of Australia there was a problem with the local Aborigines, who sniffed gasoline, in order to achieve a state of euphoria in the country started using Opal brand gasoline (virtually devoid of chemical impurities). Oil drilling process includes drilling a well and pumping air into it. Once reached the oil layer, the oil begins to literally gush into the sky. < Over the past 25 years there have been nearly two dozen oil spills in the United States. This is a very large-scale ecological disasters. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, which are estimated at almost 300 billion barrels. US ranks 10th with 33 billion barrels. Oil has always been important to civilization. Old culture was used for its bonding materials, and as a waterproofing seal.
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