The superabsorbent material as a tool for oil spill

The material obtained by scientists at high magnification i>
Accidents oil tankers - and not so rare. The oil spill, which goes into the sea from cracks in the walls of the tanks of the tanker - a catastrophe. But even this - children's play compared with what happened in the Мексиканском Gulf a few years ago. The ecosystem of the region is still recovering from the huge amount of oil spills as a result of damage to the well drilled by BP. The oil spill is very difficult to eliminate, and in some cases make it impossible.
But hope is still there. Recently, a joint team of scientists from Drexel University and the University of Deakin announced the creation superabsorbent material, which is a boron nitride nanosheets. Absorbent capable to absorb organic solvents and petroleum in 33 times more svego weight. This allows the use of superabsorbent as a tool for oil spill response.
Figuratively speaking, boron nitride that is configured properly, absorbs oil like a sponge. Features material already checked - two years, scientists have tested it in the laboratory. According to team leader, Professor Chen Ayana (Ian Chen), is the most advanced development in the field of oil refining in decades.
"The oil spill - a global problem, it's a disaster for the ecosystem, not to mention the monetary damage. Everyone remembers the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, but the accident happened because not only there, "- says the professor. In particular, this issue is relevant to Australia, where a very active movement of water transport and water is polluted with oil products.
The study was funded by the Australian Research Council. According to Chen, the modern means of cleaning oil spills inefficient and quite complex, not to mention the cost.
As for boron nitride nanosheets assembles the Chen material from the flakes of this substance, the size of each - only a few nanometers. The surface material is very uneven, which suggests a very large surface area of the particles of the material. However, to create a sponge from the boron nitride powder - not easy, but this problem scientists have been able to overcome.
"In 2013, we developed the first phase of production of material, but it was just a powder. In powder too good absorption characteristics, but simply to outline the powder in the oil can not. It is necessary because collecting oil, and it can be done with a sponge, "- commented the scientist. In the end, scientists were able to create a very porous airgel of boron nitride, which is ideal for oil spill response. Interestingly, the boron nitride is also fire-resistant material, excellent thermal insulator - so it can be used for heat / insulation.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/266750/