7 substances challenging physics
The world is full of amazing things and unusual materials, but these may well qualify for the category of "the most amazing among invented people." Of course, these substances "violate" the rules of physics at first glance, in fact, all have been scientifically explained, although this matter does not become less wonderful. Ferrofluid
Ferrofluid - a magnetic fluid, of which it is possible to form a very interesting and intricate shapes. However, while no magnetic field, ferrofluid - viscous and not how it is remarkable. But here it is to work on it with the help of a magnetic field as its particles are arranged along the lines of - and create something indescribable ...
In practice, the ferrofluid used in different ways: for example, to ensure that the thermal conductivity of the speakers, but demonstrated a method of using is also very personal.
But the opportunity to become something solid, something liquid: depending on the influence of the magnetic field, making it a significant and material for the automotive industry, and NASA and the military.
Aerogel Frozen Smoke
Aerogel Frozen Smoke («frozen smoke") consists of 99 percent of air and 1 - from silicon dioxide. The result is a very impressionable magic: the bricks hang in the air and all that. Additionally, this gel also refractories.
A variation of the airgel is the so-called "air-glass» (Airglass) with a density of 0, 05-0, 2 grams per cubic centimeter. It is quite transparent, and although not very strongly, but for thermal protection surpasses ordinary glass.
Generally, engineers, and scientists believe that in the near future airgel can find tens of applications in the world. Here again helps space. In recent years, the shuttle performed experiments on the preparation of airgel in weightlessness.
Being almost imperceptible, while the airgel can hold almost incredible severity that 4000 times the amount of the substance consumed, at what he - very easy. It is used in space: for example, to "catching" of dust from the comet tails and "insulation" astronaut suits. In the future, scientists say, it will appear in many homes: very much convenient materialchik.
Perfluorocarbons - is a liquid, it holds a large amount of oxygen, and that, in fact, you can breathe. The substance is tested in the 60-ies of the last century: in mice, demonstrating the effectiveness of a certain percentage. Unfortunately, only some: laboratory mice died after several hours in tanks with liquid. Scientists came to the conclusion that the reason - the impurity ...
Today perfluorocarbons used for ultrasound studies or even to create an artificial blood. Uncontrolled use of a substance in any case it is impossible: it is not the most environmentally friendly. The atmosphere, for example, "warms up" 6,500 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Flexible conductors
The matrix of transistors as well as the elastic conductor can be stretched. In the group of researchers from the University of Tokyo led Someyya Takao (Takao Someya) first obtained different high conductivity and chemical stability of an elastomer by introducing carbon nanotubes into a polymer matrix.
The elastic material was prepared by mixing of a black paste obtained by kneading nanotubes in an ionic liquid - bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium. The process of grinding carbon nanotubes does not stick together into larger "bundle" that helps them reduce stiffness and increases flexibility.
After rubbing the gel combined with a fluorinated copolymer, gives the material more elasticity, give it to dry and harden. The resulting all these operations film coated with silicone rubber, thereby forming the elastic conductor. To further increase the elasticity of the material can be perforated and it can be applied to organic transistors. After completion of all stages of production receive the elastic sheet whose properties do not change when it is stretched up to 70%.
To demonstrate the reality and cost-effectiveness of the proposed approach, Japanese researchers used a small-scale prototype of the printer for flexible conductor sizes of 20 to 20 cm. Takao Someyya believes that the process of production of flexible conductors can be scaled up to industrial production is much larger in size flexible and resilient integrated electrical circuits. According to researchers, this technique can reduce the cost of manufacture of flexible displays, as well as to create an artificial skin for robots and systems interfaces for human-computer interaction.
Non-Newtonian fluid
Liquids whose viscosity depends on the velocity gradient are called non-Newtonian.
Scientists are looking for the path of this ability in the development of non-Newtonian fluid and form an army outfit. To soft and comfortable fabric under the influence of bullets it became hard - and turned into a vest.
Transparent aluminum oxide
Transparent and yet strong metal is used as the plan to build a better army equipment, as well as in the automotive industry and even in the production of windows. Why not: you can see well and do not beat.
Carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes are already present in the fourth paragraph of the article, and here - a new meeting. And all because of the possibility of really wide, and talk about all sorts of delights for hours. In particular, it is - the most durable of all the materials invented by man.
With the help of this material are already creating heavy-duty thread, ultra-compact computer processors, and many others, and in the future will only to increase the rate of: super-efficient batteries, more efficient solar panels and even a cable for a space elevator future ...
Ferrofluid - a magnetic fluid, of which it is possible to form a very interesting and intricate shapes. However, while no magnetic field, ferrofluid - viscous and not how it is remarkable. But here it is to work on it with the help of a magnetic field as its particles are arranged along the lines of - and create something indescribable ...
In practice, the ferrofluid used in different ways: for example, to ensure that the thermal conductivity of the speakers, but demonstrated a method of using is also very personal.
But the opportunity to become something solid, something liquid: depending on the influence of the magnetic field, making it a significant and material for the automotive industry, and NASA and the military.

Aerogel Frozen Smoke
Aerogel Frozen Smoke («frozen smoke") consists of 99 percent of air and 1 - from silicon dioxide. The result is a very impressionable magic: the bricks hang in the air and all that. Additionally, this gel also refractories.
A variation of the airgel is the so-called "air-glass» (Airglass) with a density of 0, 05-0, 2 grams per cubic centimeter. It is quite transparent, and although not very strongly, but for thermal protection surpasses ordinary glass.
Generally, engineers, and scientists believe that in the near future airgel can find tens of applications in the world. Here again helps space. In recent years, the shuttle performed experiments on the preparation of airgel in weightlessness.
Being almost imperceptible, while the airgel can hold almost incredible severity that 4000 times the amount of the substance consumed, at what he - very easy. It is used in space: for example, to "catching" of dust from the comet tails and "insulation" astronaut suits. In the future, scientists say, it will appear in many homes: very much convenient materialchik.

Perfluorocarbons - is a liquid, it holds a large amount of oxygen, and that, in fact, you can breathe. The substance is tested in the 60-ies of the last century: in mice, demonstrating the effectiveness of a certain percentage. Unfortunately, only some: laboratory mice died after several hours in tanks with liquid. Scientists came to the conclusion that the reason - the impurity ...
Today perfluorocarbons used for ultrasound studies or even to create an artificial blood. Uncontrolled use of a substance in any case it is impossible: it is not the most environmentally friendly. The atmosphere, for example, "warms up" 6,500 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Flexible conductors
The matrix of transistors as well as the elastic conductor can be stretched. In the group of researchers from the University of Tokyo led Someyya Takao (Takao Someya) first obtained different high conductivity and chemical stability of an elastomer by introducing carbon nanotubes into a polymer matrix.
The elastic material was prepared by mixing of a black paste obtained by kneading nanotubes in an ionic liquid - bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium. The process of grinding carbon nanotubes does not stick together into larger "bundle" that helps them reduce stiffness and increases flexibility.
After rubbing the gel combined with a fluorinated copolymer, gives the material more elasticity, give it to dry and harden. The resulting all these operations film coated with silicone rubber, thereby forming the elastic conductor. To further increase the elasticity of the material can be perforated and it can be applied to organic transistors. After completion of all stages of production receive the elastic sheet whose properties do not change when it is stretched up to 70%.
To demonstrate the reality and cost-effectiveness of the proposed approach, Japanese researchers used a small-scale prototype of the printer for flexible conductor sizes of 20 to 20 cm. Takao Someyya believes that the process of production of flexible conductors can be scaled up to industrial production is much larger in size flexible and resilient integrated electrical circuits. According to researchers, this technique can reduce the cost of manufacture of flexible displays, as well as to create an artificial skin for robots and systems interfaces for human-computer interaction.

Non-Newtonian fluid
Liquids whose viscosity depends on the velocity gradient are called non-Newtonian.
Scientists are looking for the path of this ability in the development of non-Newtonian fluid and form an army outfit. To soft and comfortable fabric under the influence of bullets it became hard - and turned into a vest.

Transparent aluminum oxide
Transparent and yet strong metal is used as the plan to build a better army equipment, as well as in the automotive industry and even in the production of windows. Why not: you can see well and do not beat.

Carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes are already present in the fourth paragraph of the article, and here - a new meeting. And all because of the possibility of really wide, and talk about all sorts of delights for hours. In particular, it is - the most durable of all the materials invented by man.
With the help of this material are already creating heavy-duty thread, ultra-compact computer processors, and many others, and in the future will only to increase the rate of: super-efficient batteries, more efficient solar panels and even a cable for a space elevator future ...
