Graphene airgel

Recently, scientists have created a number of very light materials. For example, only after 2011, the record has been broken several lightness raz.

At first considered the lightest airgel that is based on carbon nanotubes. Its density is 4 mg / cm3. Then there was created a material having a micro-lattice structure, with a truly fantastic density - 0, 9 mg / cm3. However, it was not the limit for researchers who are able to create airbrushed with a surprisingly low density - 0, 18 mg / cm3. However, he conceded the title of the lightweight material because scientists were able to obtain more airgel with lower density - 0, 16 mg / cm3 .

This amazing substance is able to create, researchers from the Chinese University of Zhejiang. In order to obtain such a lightweight material they used freeze-drying, which is used to produce aerogels. Thus 1 gram of the airgel graphene can absorb up to 68.8 grams of a substance does not dissolve in vode.

Source: mirfactov.com/