The vest of the gel can withstand kilograms of dynamite explosion
Aerogel - perhaps the most unusual material in the world. The Guinness Book of Records he deservedly holds 15 records. It is sometimes called "frozen smoke". Prepared by this meterial ekstrasilnoj drying liquid gel comprising aluminum, chromium or carbon. Its properties are fantastic - the density of certain types of such substances is equal to or a half to two times the density of air. Cubic meter of it weighs only 2 kg. The thermal conductivity of the airgel is so small that it is often used for thermal insulation in space. The melting point of 1200 degrees - rather big quantity. This material hardly transmits sound, heat and impact. The vest with a one centimeter layer of such a "gel" makes it possible to survive the direct impact of the explosion of a kilogram of dynamite.
Despite its name (aerogels), the substance is a solid material, the structure resembling shaving foam. Besides all this, it is transparent, sometimes with a bluish tint. So, in one material collected some of the most unusual properties, the combination of which makes it unique.
Source: www.mindhobby.com
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