Tour of the Crimean geliostantsii
Do you know how to generate the temperature in 4000 degrees Celsius from sunlight? Or burn if the probe, which is scheduled to go to Mars? These and many other questions will answer a short trip through geliostantsii of the Institute of Materials Science, located in the Crimean village Katsiveli.
Hidden from prying eyes from the road a small playground, which is located a few tens of metal structures, completely pasted mirrors. It is these seemingly simple devices let you do all these incredible things that I mentioned at the beginning of Lent. Geliotsentr was established in 1967 to explore the possibilities of solar energy. The choice of this place was due to a number of factors - the atmosphere here is one of the most transparent in Ukraine, the largest flow of solar radiation and almost never clouds.
This dish has nothing to do with the radio telescope. Miraculously, scientists have managed it "get" for their needs, and eventually it became the largest solar energy concentrator on the post-Soviet space. Its diameter was 5 meters. It is this hub is created specifically to test the thermal protection of the radiosonde, which was to descend into the atmosphere of Mars. In order to perform the necessary studies, the plate had to paste over in the 12th thousands (!!!) small mirrors. The first head of geliotsentra Raisa S. Biryukov said about how it was done: "We hand-plastered her small triangular-mirror facets. First of 8-10 pieces per night, and adapt himself - we worked on the 200 night because during the day you can cool burned about ... sunbeams. Attaching a mirror, they need to focus on one point. Therefore, the focus was placed lamp that served as the night lights. And pasted 12 thousand mirrors. However, it focused not perfect, so the beam is turned "thick" - 200 to 200 mm. But this is what has given them the opportunity to experience the heat-shielding tiles for the space shuttle "Buran" ».
Installation concentrates sunlight by using all 12 thousand mirrors which direct beams to a single point. However, the sun stands still. The installation automatically catches up constantly elusive light. But what does "plate" with the collected beam of rays? Concentrated solar energy can reach a temperature in 4000 degrees Celsius. It can be used to melt metals and even vaporize them. With the help of solar power plants can be simulated temperature of the Earth and Mars, and you can make a "Solar knife" - that is cut, for example, asbestos cloth. Their edges immediately melted and pylili. A "fried" on cinder blocks sun ceased to absorb moisture and becomes smooth.
There are four legendary setting. This slightly altered military spotlights, which are based on the same amount to the mirror. First Sun catchers are the scientists themselves: two men turned manually setting over the horizon and azimuth as the beam is not brought into focus. Now it all makes automation. When the settings are not used, they are covered with special protective covers.
In total there are about a dozen different plants with different configuration and assignment.
During Soviet times geliotsentr in the Crimean mountains known far abroad. Lived scientists well - a country she loved and valued their work, and they all came up with the new "clothes" for satellites and rockets. Which, according to scientists, the best in the world
Nowadays, things are not so good. Traditionally, in Ukraine, little attention is paid to science. Although the work of this particular geliotsentra colleagues from the United States are closely watching until now. But be that as it may, in contrast to many other research facilities, even in the immediate vicinity, geliotsentr not bent, and though with difficulty, but continues his work ...
Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com
Hidden from prying eyes from the road a small playground, which is located a few tens of metal structures, completely pasted mirrors. It is these seemingly simple devices let you do all these incredible things that I mentioned at the beginning of Lent. Geliotsentr was established in 1967 to explore the possibilities of solar energy. The choice of this place was due to a number of factors - the atmosphere here is one of the most transparent in Ukraine, the largest flow of solar radiation and almost never clouds.
This dish has nothing to do with the radio telescope. Miraculously, scientists have managed it "get" for their needs, and eventually it became the largest solar energy concentrator on the post-Soviet space. Its diameter was 5 meters. It is this hub is created specifically to test the thermal protection of the radiosonde, which was to descend into the atmosphere of Mars. In order to perform the necessary studies, the plate had to paste over in the 12th thousands (!!!) small mirrors. The first head of geliotsentra Raisa S. Biryukov said about how it was done: "We hand-plastered her small triangular-mirror facets. First of 8-10 pieces per night, and adapt himself - we worked on the 200 night because during the day you can cool burned about ... sunbeams. Attaching a mirror, they need to focus on one point. Therefore, the focus was placed lamp that served as the night lights. And pasted 12 thousand mirrors. However, it focused not perfect, so the beam is turned "thick" - 200 to 200 mm. But this is what has given them the opportunity to experience the heat-shielding tiles for the space shuttle "Buran" ».
Installation concentrates sunlight by using all 12 thousand mirrors which direct beams to a single point. However, the sun stands still. The installation automatically catches up constantly elusive light. But what does "plate" with the collected beam of rays? Concentrated solar energy can reach a temperature in 4000 degrees Celsius. It can be used to melt metals and even vaporize them. With the help of solar power plants can be simulated temperature of the Earth and Mars, and you can make a "Solar knife" - that is cut, for example, asbestos cloth. Their edges immediately melted and pylili. A "fried" on cinder blocks sun ceased to absorb moisture and becomes smooth.
There are four legendary setting. This slightly altered military spotlights, which are based on the same amount to the mirror. First Sun catchers are the scientists themselves: two men turned manually setting over the horizon and azimuth as the beam is not brought into focus. Now it all makes automation. When the settings are not used, they are covered with special protective covers.
In total there are about a dozen different plants with different configuration and assignment.
During Soviet times geliotsentr in the Crimean mountains known far abroad. Lived scientists well - a country she loved and valued their work, and they all came up with the new "clothes" for satellites and rockets. Which, according to scientists, the best in the world
Nowadays, things are not so good. Traditionally, in Ukraine, little attention is paid to science. Although the work of this particular geliotsentra colleagues from the United States are closely watching until now. But be that as it may, in contrast to many other research facilities, even in the immediate vicinity, geliotsentr not bent, and though with difficulty, but continues his work ...
Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com