Terrible syndrome

Girl very right. You say - "white". Asks "just"? When you ask this question in relation to an event in which you seemingly sure at 100%, starting unclear vnutrennme doubt. "Well, not for nothing that a person asks a question." As a kind of "are you sure?". This tarakanchik infectious, this syndrome:
Recently worked on a project where everyone was with the syndrome "Exactly." This is a common syndrome. For example, you sit and eat soup. Suitable people. He asks:
- What are you eating?
Quite confidently answer:
- Borsch.
- Exactly?
If at this point you have looked at the plate - all you're sick, you have the syndrome. What you eat is soup right just enough that you call your name. But in a moment it is not even a thought, but the shadow of a thought flashed through my head: "Why is he asking? He knows something? »
- Well, exactly. Borsch. It's red.
- Exactly?
- Well ... not as red as usual, but ...
- Let's call my mom and know, maybe she cooked beetroot and now you eat it.
- Ale, ma! What have you cooked for dinner yesterday?
- Borsch, son.
- And exactly?
If mom thought at least half a second - all, she too is infected. The virus is transmitted even through the phone. Mom thinks: "Or soup? Why is he asking? Soup I cooked on Wednesday and yesterday pickle. Or not? Yesterday soup? »
- Call the father, son. I soon fell, and he later came, ate and knows exactly.
- Hello, Dad, listen to what you last ate at home?
- Well soup.
- For Sure?
- Go th ... nah, just!
Behold, your father - well! And you're around him - complete idiots who eat a bowl of soup can not be without hysterics.